Chapter Duo

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[Roman and Virgil are barely friends in this one, but crushing on each other]
[TW/ nightmares, cages, kidnapping (?), gory character death, depressing thoughts]

Roman's pov/

I was in imagination, slaying the foul dragon witch in this dark and mysterious cave.. huh, dark and mysterious, that reminds me of a certain emo.

Anyway, back to the situation, we'd been fighting for what felt like hours. I could already hear the scolding I was going to get off of Patton for the amount of scratches on my face.

Suddenly, a metal cage appeared around me, making me unable to move from my spot. I noticed my sword start to turn to dust, much like Spider-Man did in Infinity War.. great film.

"Release me, you wicked creature!" I yelled at the dragon witch, kicking one of the bars on the cage.. bad idea, it hurt.

I was about to yell again, before I saw a small figure appear beside her (the dragon witch). I couldn't quite see who it was, with the person having their back to me and kneeling down on the floor.

Not to mention this awful lighting! How am I supposed to see anything when literally no light is getting in?!

Back to the situation, princey.

The dragon witch kicked the person beside her, who let out a small whimper.

"P- please stop-" they said.

Then it hit me.. it was Virgil..

"LEAVE HIM ALONE" I yelled, suddenly feeling extremely protective over anx. Must just be because I don't want this to affect Thomas, right?

The dragon witch smirked as my sword appeared in her hands, "Just come and stop me, darling" she said.

I ignored the pain shooting through my body as I punched and kicked the metal, trapping me here.

I felt hot tears run down my face as I realised that I wasn't going to be able to help him.. I couldn't.. it was impossible.

"P- princey" Virgil looked up at me as the sword pierced through his chest. He fell limply to the floor as I collapsed onto my knees.

I couldn't save him, I couldn't save him.. I couldn't... he's gone... my fault.. my fault... my fault...

"-AN! ROMAN!" I opened my eyes to see a very concerned Virgil sat in front of me. I sighed in relief, seeing his beautiful face again, and tackling him in a hug.

Virgil's pov/

I was softly singing 'Mrs. Potato head' in my room. It was 4am so I wasn't worried about anyone hearing me sing this type of song.

They're all used to me yelling p!atd and mcr, but I also relate to a lot of other songs.

"If you weren't born with it,
You can buy a couple ornaments.
Just be sure to read the warning, kids,
'Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it.
Sexual, hey girl if you wanna feel sexual.
You can always call up a professional,
They stick pins in you like a vegetable.
Kids forever, kids forever,
Baby soft skin turns into leather.
Don't be dramatic it's only some plastic,
No one will love you if you're unattractive!"

I picked up a small mirror, still singing to myself quietly. I'm the most hated side and I'm an ugly piece of shit!

"Stay forever, stay forever
Even if her face don't stay together"

I was silent after the last line, trying to stop myself from crying.

That was until I heard someone... sobbing..?

Huh, guess they beat me to sad boi hours.

I slowly stood up and made my way into the corridor, only to realise that the crying was coming from Princey's room..? What? No, it can't be. He's this perfect, confident person who has no reason to cry.

I carefully crept over to his room, trying not to wake up anyone. As I listened closer, I realised that it was him who was crying and.. mumbling something?

I opened the door and stepped into his room, the colours blinding me for a second.

He had pristine white walls, with fairy lights draped on them. Disney posters were neatly hung up, with small hearts doodled onto them. He had a large, queen sized bed. The duvet being white with gold embroidery on it, with matching pillows. Princey was clutching a red, fluffy blanket. If the situation wasn't so bad, I would say that he looked cute.


I walked over to him and sat down on the bed beside him, unsure of what to do since he was still asleep and mumbling something.

"Leave him alone" Ro slurred, almost silently.

Then more and more tears flowed down his cheeks.

"ROMAN! ROMAN!" I yelled, shaking his shoulder slightly and praying for him to escape from whatever nightmare he was witnessing.

He bolted awake, sitting up and gasping for breath. His glance landed on me and I saw him relax slightly. I smiled weakly, glad that he was back.

Before I could even realise it, he was tackling me in a hug, sobbing into my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I asked, I was never good with being positive or trying to comfort people.

"You're alive, you're still here" sir sing a lot said, barely audible.

"Was it a nightmare? I died in your nightmare..?" I asked hesitantly, starting to gently run my fingers through his hair. Why would he care if I died in his dream? Why would he care if I died?

He nodded into my shoulder, gripping onto me for dear life.

"I love being Thomas' creativity, don't get me wrong, it's just at night I wish it could be easier. In order for Thomas to have a good nights rest with peaceful dreams.. I have to have all the nightmares." It all slipped out in a second and it took me a while to process what he'd just admitted.

Was I really stupid enough to not realise that he'd been going through this torture for years?

Roman snapped me out of my thoughts as he said "can you, um, stay the night?" He asked quietly, pulling away from the hug and looking down at his hands.

Although I felt uncomfortable sleeping with my crush, not that kind you dirty minded readers, I agreed knowing that it would help roman recover from his trauma.

We laid down next to each other in his bed and tried to fall asleep. My sleep schedule is fucked up so I just planned on laying here until morning.

After like half an hour, I let out a small yawn. Fuck.

I glanced over at Prince, seeing that he was asleep and snoring slightly.

I let out a small chuckle and scooted closer to him, finding comfort in his warmth.

"Night, princey" I mumbled as I felt myself falling asleep.

"Night, anx" He replied, wrapping his arms around me.


I'll deal with the awkwardness tomorrow.

[a/n: update 10 minutes after the first chapter? Weird, I know.
Word count: 1166
Peace out, guys, gals and non binary pals

How to take care of your Virgil Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang