Chapter Hive

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[they're boyf riends in this one]
Roman's pov/

I made my way over to the emo's room, knocking lightly on the black and purple door.

Just breathe, princey. How bad can a first date go? It's not like anyone's gonna die, it'll just be a romantic gesture towards vi. He'll love it.. right?

I smiled as anx opened the door, handing him a lavender rose, meaning love at first sight.

"Thanks, princey" he said, looking at the floor and trying to cover the blush that dusted his cheeks.

"Come on, I've got a surprise for you" i said, taking his hand in mine and intertwining our fingers.

"What's the surprise?" my dark prince asked as I chuckled.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you.. although the readers probably know because of the title" I admitted

"What?" he seemed confused.

"Nothing!" Well that was smooth, you just broke the fourth wall and told your boyf riend about it, Ro.

Once we got to imagination, I held out a blindfold to him.

"Are you kidnapping me?" He smirked.

"No, why would I? I'm offended that you think so lowly of me," I scoffed.

He put the blindfold on, "that's what a kidnapper would say."

"Shh, I'm not going to kidnap you," I stated, slowly leading him through imagination.

"A kidnapper would also say that" he said, crossing his arms, causing him to almost trip over a tree branch.

I quickly caught him before he hit the ground and picked him up bridal style.

"Ah, Ro!" He squealed, gripping onto my sash.

"It's alright, I've got you, my emo nightmare"

A few minutes later, I set him on the ground and let him take off the blindfold.

He could now see the scenery of imagination that I'd changed for this date. We were in a forest clearing, with a lake reflecting the moon and stars.

There was a blanket set down near some of the trees, with pillows laid out and a box beside it with other blankets inside of it in case we got cold.

I'd hung some fairly lights over some tree branches, illuminating a small area of the forest for us to see.

There was also a picnic box with some food and drinks, just a small thing for our first date, I didn't want to overwhelm him.

"Roman, this is.. amazing!" He turned and hugged me, hiding his face in the crook of my neck as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you so much! I love you! I can't believe you did all of this for.. me" he said like an excited puppy.

I kisses the top of his head, before leading him over to the blanket.

We both sat down, starting to eat the pizza that was inside of the picnic box.

"You look stunning in the moonlight" I said before thinking about it, he turned a deep shade of red, using his hands to try and cover his face.

"Are you trying to kill me with compliments?" He asked, finally moving his hands back to being placed in his lap. I chuckled lightly, he looked like an adorable tomato.

"You deserve to know how beautiful you are, my prince" I replied.

Once we'd finished eating, I turned off the fairy lights and we were laying down on the pillows and blankets.. well, I was using the pillows, and Virgil's head was laying on my chest with my fingers running gently through his hair.

"I love you, Virge"

He smiled, god he's so cute when he smiles.. or when he blushes.. or when he giggles.. fuck that, he's always cute.

"I... I love you too, Prince"

I never knew everything could be so perfect. This is perfect. Thomas' life was perfect. Virgil's perfect.

We spent the rest of the night stargazing, Virgil telling me random astrology facts every so often.

I never knew he liked the stars so much, guess I'll have to keep that in mind for our next date.

He was soon asleep, curled up against me and clinging onto my arm like a baby koala bear.

A d o r a b l e.

It then got to the time when I felt myself start to drift into unconsciousness as well. I smiled down at Vi, before falling into a, hopefully, dreamless sleep.

[sorry this is so short, um, I have editors and writers block so like, that's fUn.
Word count: 743


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