Chapter Fork

929 28 246

Can  I  borrow  your  hoodie?
Part  2

[tw/ mention of injuries]
Virgil's pov/

It'd been two weeks since I'd last seen princey, and let me tell you, my life has been falling apart.

I'd given in to patton a week ago, I felt terrible hearing him come to my door 5 times a day. Plus, my insides were hating me for not eating for so long.

I heard a soft knock at my door.. huh, Patt doesn't usually come at this time.. guess he's trying to be quirky?

"Come in, Patton" I yelled out.

"It's actually Logan" they replied.

I groaned and got out of bed, opening the god damn door to see the nerd standing there, obviously judging me for how badly I looked.

"Greetings" I mumbled, trying to fix my hair.

"And salutations" he said, readjusting his tie.

"Did you just- I- heathers- JD-" I managed to say, feeling to shook to form proper sentences.

"That was not grammatically correct, plus I have no idea what you're on about, it was just a simple greeting I returned" of course the Microsoft nerd doesn't understand my reference.. Roman would, he loves heathers.

"Why're you here anyway?" I asked, ignoring all the shit he said about grammar.

"Roman has returned, he passed out when he arrived and morality and I didn't want to alarm you so we took him to his room. He's awake now so I thought you should be alerted about his situation-"

Logan had hardly finished before I was running out of my room and into Roman's.

I almost bumped into dad as he was walking down the corridor.

"Careful, kiddo" he said with a smile.. how's he happy all the time??

I smiled slightly in return and ran into princey's room.

He was sat there, cuts covering his arms and face. He had a black eye and he lip was cut open. His shirt was cut open, revealing his abs, but also revealing the scratches and dried blood on his stomach..

"Hey, anx. I see your still wearing my hoodie" he stated, smirking slightly.

"You.. you've been gone for two weeks, Ro.." I said, running over to him and hugging him gently.

He hugged back, rubbing circles on my back soothingly.

"You look like you died" I mumbled, hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

"I could say the same about you" He replied, and he wasn't wrong.

I probably looked like a dead guy walking. My hair was a mess and my eye liner was smudged all over my cheeks. Roman's hoodie hung loosely over my shoulders, still being too big for me. I was also way skinner compared to the last time prince saw me.

We pulled apart after a few minutes and I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I can't believe Roman's acting as though he's fine when he's clearly been through so much pain.

"Do you have a first aid kit in your room?" I asked him, only to get a small 'no' in reply.

I went to my bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit, as well as a damp cloth, I hope there were bandages left after I... tripped.

I ran back to princey's room and sat down next to him.

God, he was such a stupid, loveable idiot.

(A/n: I know nothing about first aid, I'm so stupid. So let's all pretend that Virgil's doing the right things in this, ok?)

I started cleaning the blood off of his face with the damp cloth, apologising every time he winced in pain.. which was a lot.

What the fuck has he been doing for the past two weeks? Jumping off of cliffs repeatedly until he got bored?

As I snapped out of my thoughts, I noticed princey smirking as I applied rubbing alcohol onto the cloth.

"What?" I asked.

"You really think I've been jumping off of a cliff for two weeks?" He replied.


I fucked up.

I said it aloud.

"I- um- shut up, Romano" I mumbled, attempting to clean the wounds as much as I could with my bad knowledge of first aid.

I blushed as I realised what Roman would have to do in order for me to clean anymore of his wounds.

"Princey, I- um- could you take off your shirt? So I can clean your other wounds, um, yeah" I blurted out.

He chuckled lightly as he started unbuttoning his shirt.

Fuck, he's hot.

How can one person have that many abs?

"Virge, you're saying this out loud again" he said.


Now, that's not a very nice word to use, kiddo.

What the frick? This is my pov Patt, how are you here? Plus, I've been swearing this whole chapter.

Just work on your language, son.

Dad, the fourth wall doesn't need to be destroyed even more-


I finally stopped staring at Roman's abs and blushed, thanking Brendon Urie that I was wearing makeup..

Then it hit me, I wasn't.

I tried to focus on cleaning Ro's wounds and applied bandages around his arms and chest, thankful that I hadn't run out of them since I last.. tripped.

"Thanks, Vi" he said once I'd finished.

"Anytime" I returned, trying to look anywhere but the shirtless side in front of me.

"Hey, anx?"

I hummed in response, letting him know that I heard him.

"Want to hear about what I was actually doing over the past two weeks?" He asked.

I always loved hearing his stories. He was so brave and cunning, going on adventures that I could only ever dream of completing.

I nodded and lay down on the bed next to him as he started to talk.

"It all started when I stumbled across this dark and mysterious cave-"

[a/n: sorry for the bad chapter..
Also, we may need some flex tape for the fourth wall
Word count: 988


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