Some Ex-wives

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Wrong number part one

[they're both at school, Roman being the popular athlete, Virgil being the emo with a few friends. Cliché, I know]
[tw: bullying, homophobic slurs]

Tuesday 1st October 2019, 15:00

[Virgil] : hey patton, you still comin round later?
{unknown} : I'm not Patton lmao
[Virgil] : oof sorry, stranger
{unknown} : WAIT!
[Virgil] : huh? did i do something wrong?
{unknown} : I'm just bored, wanna talk?
[Virgil] : yeah right, you could be a stalker or a serial killer. idek how old you are
{unknown} : I'm 17, you?
[Virgil] : i'm not gonna tell you ;)
{unknown} : not even if I slay a dragon witch for you?
[Virgil] : nope lol
{unknown} : I guess I don't have a chance of finding out your name? 
[Virgil] : correct, princey
{unknown} : Princey?
[Virgil] : idk, you mentioned about slaying some dragon witch and it just fits
{unknown} : I'd love to talk more, but I've got to get back to class. Farewell, stranger.
[Virgil] : see ya, princey

Contact added: princey👑❤️

Virgil smiled down at his phone, maybe he'd become friends with this guy?

"Mr. Sanders! Hand your phone over, now!" Virgil flinched and gave his phone over to Mrs. Jones, avoiding all eye contact.

"Come see me at the end of the day for this back"

Vi sighed, great, now I'll have no music to listen to if I have a panic attack, he thought to himself.

Wednesday 2nd October 2019, 09:00

[Virgil] : sorry for the silence, my teacher took my phone off me then my parents wouldn't stop yelling at me once i got home. ugh, i'm so stressed right now
{princey👑❤️} : It's quite alright, my dark prince. I hope you were ok
[Virgil] : i'm not ok
[Virgil] : ...
[Virgil] : i promise
{princey👑❤️} : Do I need to come and save this damsel in distress?
[Virgil] : you probably live on the opposite side of the world to me
{princey👑❤️} : I guess I'm not finding that out either, anxiety?
[Virgil] : correct.. also, anxiety?
{princey👑❤️} : you have a nickname for me and you seem stressed so now I have a nickname for you.
[Virgil] : pft, dork

"Hey, virge!" Virgil looked up to see his one and only friend.. Patton Dean. The most adorable cinnamon roll that you'll ever hear of, he was such a bundle of happiness.

"Hey, dad" Vi smiled as Patt sat down beside him.


{princey👑❤️} : I'm no 'dork'! I'm a prince
[Virgil] : whatever you say. and i've gtg, my friends here. bi
{princey👑❤️} : I'll talk to you later!

"Virgil! You've got a new friend!" Patt squealed, "and is that a.. heart next to their name?!" He gasped.

Virgil nodded and shoved his phone into his pocket.

"Who is he? Or she? Or they?! Who are you talking to Virgieeeee?" God, Patton was so excited for his best friend.

"I don't know who they are, I can't even say if they're Male, female or non binary" vi sighed.

It's only fair that you know nothing about them, you're never gonna open up to them. You don't have the guts to.

And as the voice in his head said that, he pulled out his phone and sent a message before thinking about it.

[Virgil] : i'm 17 as well lol
{princey👑❤️} : You just opened up to me that easily? Why thank you

Shiiiittttt. He really just did that.

Virgil glanced up to look at patton, only to spot Mark Smith heading their way.

"Patt, I've got to go real quick! See ya at break!" He said, running off into the bathroom and hiding in one of the stalls.

Mark, the high school bully, only ever seemed to pick on Virgil these days. That was because of their deal, of course.

If Virgil got beaten up, then others wouldn't have to.

"Come on, Virgie, I know you're in here" Mark's voice rang out through the bathroom.


One of the stalls doors was kicked open.

"You hiding from me, fag?"


"Oh, come on, freak! Wouldn't want me to go and hurt your dear friend, Patton, would you?"

Virgil whimpered, shuffling back further into the bathroom stall.


Mark was towering over Vi, smirking.

"Awww, I've finally found the crybaby" he said, kicking Virgil in the stomach.

The smaller boy groaned in pain and wrapped his arms around his stomach, although as he did that, he got another kick in the eye.

"Mark? You in here, bud?" Someone ran into the bathroom, appearing behind Mark.

Roman Prince. Of course it'd be him. The most popular jock in the school finding Vi get bullied.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Come on, leave them alone!" Roman said, shooting Virgil and apologetic smile and forcing Mark out of the bathroom with him.

Virgil opened his phone, sending a message to the first contact he found.

[Virgil] : help

He sent to princey, before passing out.

{princey👑❤️} : Are you alright, anx?
{princey👑❤️} : What's happened?
{princey👑❤️} : Do I need to slay a dragon witch for you?
{princey👑❤️} : Anxiety?

[a/n: I just wanna say that I'm back from my break!

Also, I do requests! If you want me to write something, just comment it or dm me!

Word count: 854]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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