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Jailah 's POv
Am so glad that I got accepted by Harvard my dream school. It took alot of persuasion to finally convince my dad that being a lawyer isn't a sinful job. He thought that lawyers were people who are very deceptive and will tell lies for their clients just to get big cheques.I just thought of it has just twisting the truth a little.
Being the pastor's kid comes with alot of pressure, you have to be perfect and maintain the church standards. If you are asking what about my mom. My mom left us from, I was eight years old. As in leaving us you think she is dead, that would make it less depressing but my mom found the man of her dreams, stole all the church savings and went away. My dad was the pastor of a huge congregation and after my mom's mistake, my dad was left heart broken. We had to clean up the mess my mom made to recover our family reputation. A few members left our congregation and the others were very judgemental.
Tomorrow will be my first day of college and although I tried to hide it, I am nervous and my body is drowning in anxiety. I prayed and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, my mind was still fill with thoughts about what college life would be like. So I turned on my television and went on Netflix and started watch my favourite movie "Greenleaf ". Of course greenleaf is a christian movie but its more interesting than my life and full with some juicy drama.
Being very addicted to watching Greenleaf I watched the entire season two then drop asleep with the television on.I was awaken the next morning by my dad's loud knocking on the door and calling. "Jaya! Jaya ,get ready, you can't be late for your first day of college and turn off the television".I got up and checked the time it was just 5:00 am in the morning, my father can be over dramatic at times. Harvard is just a four hour drive from my home and the college begins at 10:00am.
I turned off the television and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a thirty minutes bath.After am finish bathing I admired my body in the bathroom mirror, my curves were getting bigger daily and my bottom. I quickly combed my blonde hair into a ponytail.
I put on a pink loosely fitting dress which I matched with a yellow bridgette slippers and pink purse. I remembered attending a christian kindargarden, middle and high school. It was a bitter sweet experience because although I had alot of great memories to treasure for a lifetime, whenever I made a mistake the teacher will use my mom's past against me. I remembered endless nights crying because I needed my mom.The pressure of being a pastor's child was intense and I had to be perfect at all times and maintain standards.
"Jaya can I come up now for your suitcases ", my dad called and I realized that I had wondered in my thoughs again.
"Yes daddy ", I shouted. I went downstairs to make breakfast for my dad and I while he brought the suitcases to the car.I prepared omelettes with strawberry pancake and mocha coffee.
My dad prayed and we ate breakfast after. "This breakfast taste like heaven "my dad say, "Thought heaven was a place and not I meal ", I joked. We entered my dad's car and the journey to Harvard was filled with lectures by my dad on things I wasn't suppose to do. Things such as smoke, drink, party, boyfriend and the list goes on if I continued maybe it would full up an entire book. I connected my phone to the car with a USB and start to play "your greater is coming "by jackalyn Carr.
We finally arrived at Harvard at 9:30 am and it was the largest building I have ever seen with students strolling up and down. I waited until my dad take out my luggages from the car trunk.
My father and I traveled searching the entire campus looking for the front desk. We finally saw a sign marked "secretary office ". "Good morning ", we said almost in unison. "Good morning" she replied. Dorm room number and Schedule for Jaya Ariyel."room number 53 and her is your schedule", she said.
I collected my schedule and we asked around for directions to my room. Silly me forgot to ask the secretary where to find my room. Finally we arrived at room 53 and I knocked hard on the door.
"what do you want", someone shouted loudly, "Am your roommate Jaya", I replied. The door opened slowly as a dark skin African American girl
with indian hair popped up at the door. My dad lift my suitcase and brought it inside for me. "Thanks Dad ", I said. "Your welcome baby girl and remember don't do anything or go anywhere God wouldn't approve of". My dad hugged me and we exchanged our goodbyes. "Remember that daddy loves you baby girl ", he said as he left the dorm room.
I closed the door and started unpacking my suitcases. I place my Tasha cobbs posters on the wall and packed my clothings into the closet that the college supplied. "You want any help ", my roommate asked. "No thank you, am soon done unpacking and I like my things pack in a specific way ", I replied. "Okay, I got what your saying blonde ", she replied. "I am jaya Ariyel", I replied annoyed , "I am Sexy body Ariyanna Blue,She said with attitude but my friend call me black honey because am sweet and sassy, she said jovially. Am just kidding, they call me Ari.
Ariyanna talked for hours about herself, until I was finally finished unpacking my stuffs, I lay down on my bed about to get a nap when I smell a very awful scent. I got up to see Ariyanna smoking a cigarette. It was too much for me to handle, I wanted to tell her how disgusting it looked for a young lady to be smoking but I just resist saying those words. I didn't want to have a bad start with my roommate. "Why, are you staring at me like that, dont tell me that it is the first you have seen someone smoking ", she said. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts "Nothing is wrong ", I said. "Am going to get some fresh air ", I told her. "My oversized booty Need some exercise so am coming with you", she said as she out her cigarette. "Okay ", I said. "I am going to give you a tour of this campus, to show you all the places you must eat and where to find the thick fine boys ", she said smirking.
We walked out of our dorm room as, Ariyanna showed me all the food places and it had become very exhausting and I was trying to escape being shown boys by Ariyanna. "Dammmmmn! Girls your asses are so fine", a voice said. Ariyanna turned around and smiled, while I tried to walk with my head high disgusted by what the boy said. Ariyanna turned around to face the boys and said, "I am Ariyanna and this is my friend jay,"Jaymin I interuppted, I didn't want these rude boys to know my name. "Spot you girls from a mile, your curves so unique baby girls , you make your mama proud" the blonde hair boy with blue eyes said."Am not your baby ", I replied. "Your going to be ", he replied.
I was so upset by his comment, that I rolled my eyes and just started to walk away from them,realizing that the blonde boy was the one who made the first rude comment. The other two boys were dressed in full black as the blonde boy was. One had brown hair and dark hazel eyes while the other one had red hair with green eyes.I thought that Ariyanna would walk away with me but no, black honey had to stay around and talk to the boys.
A few more minutes, she caught up to me panting."Girl how did you walk so fast, I had to do my Usain bolt sprint inorder to be at the same pace with you.
"Maybe if you weren't pacing up to does boys you wouldn't be panting like this ", I said annoyed. "Girl those vanilla brothers were so fine, that they would add so much flavour to my coffee, she said gesturing to her body. I try to hold in my laugh knowing how silly she looked. I even got all three of them number girl and I can let you choose the one that you like. "I don't like any of those boys, they are NMT", I said. "What does that mean, " she ask puzzled. "Not my type ",I answered. "Well I ain't got no type I love me some fine black, white, Asian, Mexican, pink all the different flavours to sweeten my black coffee. We laughed and then entered our room, atleast my roommate isn't that bad after all.
It was the first day of college for us and we were only allowed to have one class for the day. So yes I was bored and my laptop wasn't picking up the campus wifi very well, so that I could watch a Netflix movie or munkbangs on YouTube . "Do you want to play a game Ariyanna? ", I asked. "What kind of game because I can't play certain games without a boy ", she replied "no its just never have I ever, no need to invite any boy plus its soon time for the one class we will be having today ", trying to persuade her.
We started playing never have I ever, in this game each person will get a turn inwhich they will state a situation or thing and say never have I ever done that specific thing and then they will answer if they had done it before or haven't.
"Never have I ever kissed a boy before ", I said in the second round of the game, I have, Ariyanna replied dancing. "I haven't", I replied. "You haven't thats not possible, we have to call some boys over cause today your getting your first kiss ", Ariyanna replied. "No Ari, I want my first kiss to feel like paradise, I want to lift up one of my legs in the air, girl all the lovely things you see in the movies ", I replied closing my eyes and wondering off in my thoughts. "Little girl, you need to practice on a teddy bear so that your first time will not be awkward, it would be sweet and juicy, you know what am saying ", Ariyanna replied. "Am not going to loose, my first kiss to a teddy bear I said " and we laughed.
I checked the time and it was 3:30,close to the time for class . I Told Ariyanna to get her books but she was being too defiant saying that only nerds reach class this early and she needed a nap. So I got my books and stationeries and place in my yellow bag and pack up her books and stationeries and place on her bed. "When your ready, you can come to class and don't be extremely late", I told her. "Girrrrl!!! , you will see me walking to the front of the class, five minutes to the ending of the class ", I laughed and then walked away.
.       On my way to class I saw a girl and her mom and they were ultimately goals. I started thinking about my mom and what if she hadn't left and then suddenly my head hit on something hard. "Are you stupid, look where your going you oversized ass girl ", a voice said and I looked up to see the blonde hair boy from before , with drinks and food spilled all over is outfit. "Am so sorry, I didn't see you ", I said. "Next time look where your going you fat big ", he said. "your going to buy back my food now" ,he demanded. "She said that it was just an accident man, let her go and hear is $50 dollar more than what you paid for the food ", a voice said. I turned around to see an handsome African American dark skin boy. "Am Jacob ", he said and "I'm jaya ", he replied. "Which class do you have now? ", he asked. "Law class", I replied "i also have that class, so we can walk together ". I said "ok " and our walk began.
Author's note
Thank you for reading this chapter, I have alot of creative ideas for this book and am looking forward for your support.I promise you that this book isn going to be cliche. I love you all. Q. Exotics
-Queen Exotics 👑

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