Chapter 3

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Jaya 's POV
     My mind was fill with anxiety  although my dad had  warned me against boys, I knew that he would approve of Jacab.
I waited patiently for Jacob to texted me ,  I checked  phone multiple times and were no messages from an unknown number. Times like this I wished that I had taken his number.
        I took out my laptop and scroll through Netflix looking for the perfect movie to watch. I took out some snacks and a large bottle of Pepsi from my snack bag, food is the perfect combination with a great movie.
"What are you doing ", Ari asked me. "Looking for the perfect movie to cure me from my boredom ", I replied. "Let me help you ", she said getting off her bed. She scrolled until she found a movie called "Blindspot ", this is  the movie for us she said opening one of my Doritos eating it. She took a cup and poured herself some juice before I even offered.
      Blindspot was a series movie with alot of episodes.  I was a bit judgemental at first when i saw the amount of tattoos on jane's skin in the movie. The more episodes we watch the deeper the meaning of each tattoo was turned out someone wiped her memory and tattooed her skin with alot of events and incidents that will happen. I was lowkey hoping that he would texted me. With each episodes we ate alot of snacks and Pepsi. It was our movie,  girl's night.
      My phone made a sound and I checked it was a message from Jacob. I nearly fall off my bed the way I was filled with enthiusiam. "Girl you better sit, down and mine you pounce off my  snacks off the bed ", Ariyanna said eating a large Oreo. "Jacob texted me ", I squealed "You gooo girl ", Ari said. "What do I text him? ", "You haven't text a boy before ", Ari said sarcastically. "No, I haven't, being a preacher's child I wasn't allow to even sit down near the opposite gender ". "I will help you text him, church girl, give me the phone ".
Jacob🎵 - Hi,  its the Jacob the boy you met today.

Jaya -Hey, Jacob whats up?

Jacob 🎵 -I was wondering if you are busy this weekend?

Jaya 👑 -No I'm not,  y u ask?

Jacob 🎵 -I was wondering if you would like to go out with me to a party this weekend.

Jailah👑 - Yes I would like to. What time will the party begin?

Jacob 🎵-8:30,  its a party at a fraternity house.

Jaya👑 - see you on Friday.

Jacob 🎵 - can't wait,  good night

Jaya 👑 -Goodnight
       What did he texted I asked Ariyanna excitedly,  He invited you to a party on Friday and I accepted. "No Ariyanna I can't go to any party,  why didn't you asked before confirming ". I said angrily. "Girl,  I needed somewhere to go on Friday night,  so if you got invited to a party, automatically I got invited " Ari said. "Dont do this again", I said. "Good nigth jaya ". "Goodnight Ariyanna ".
      Friday night as finally came and I was clueless of what to wear, it seems so ironic for me a christian fashionista,  not knowing what to wear . I have never been to a party before so am unaware of their standard of dressing. I took out a polk-a -dot pink dress catching me at my ankle and a pink slippers and a pink dress to match it with. "What are you wearing? ", "They will definitely laugh at you,  when you go to the party, girl you better change that ". Ari said. 
"I have confidence in my outfit ", I told her.
    After twenty minutes of being persuade by Ariyanna,  I changed my outfit. "I know that your body will rock this dress, try it on ", she said handing me a short leather yellow dress. I tried on the dress standing infront the mirror. The dress was way  too revealing , showing off  my curve, large bust and enormous bottom. I felt so uncomfortable but with the approval of Ari I just kept it on. "Girl you look so Gucci ", she said. I matched the yellow dress with a pink bridgette slippers and a pink purse.
        Ariyanna took very long to get ready, She had to apply makeup,  curl her hair and get a very lit outfit to wear. "Come jaya let me curl your hair ", "No thanks, I have never curled my hair before ", I said. "Please, do it for Jacob ". I blushed and went to sit down on the stool and Ari curled my hair adding some sweet smelling products to it.
She added a little makeup on my face,  with red lip stick. I wished my mom had stick around to teach me how to curl my hair or even apply makeup, I was clueless of how to do those stuffs.
      "Girlllll!!  if your gucci am Versace ", she said stepping in her pink heals,  neon green dress and her nice Indian hair curled to perfection. Her dressed was matched with a neon green purse. A message pop up on my phone.

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