Chapter two

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Joshua 'POV
        I woked up with my my mom banging on my door "josh its time to leave for college ", I felt tired and wanted some sleep so I ignored her and slept for thirty more minutes. I went to bathroom and brushed my teeth and had bath. I took up my phone to see the messages from my friends Noah and Shad.
Noah🎧 - bro what are  you  wearing today?
  Joshua🦁 -I will be wearing full black today, bro. 
   Noah 🎧 - Ok, I will be wearing thats what I am wearing also ,  you know how the girls like when boys dress up as a crew .
    Shad🎶 -what are you wearing guys?
Noah 🎧 - dude full black.
         After conversing through group chat, I got dressed into my black shirt,  black pants,  black converse and put on my black necklace. I brushed my hair to perfection and then went downstairs with my suitcases.
    My mom had finished making breakfast and I took out some strawberry tart and cornmeal porridge and headed to my room to eat breakfast. My dad being very strict and annoying,  beckoned for me to sit at the table to have breakfast with them. Them meaning my little brother  kaleb, my little sister Zara and my parents."Am not hungry ", I said defiantly.
      My mom grabbed her stuffs as I place my suitcases in the trunk of the car already, five minutes late for college. The drive to college was so awkward with my mom asking me about my personal life,  if I had a girlfriend or was having sex. I couldn't wait to arrive at college.
    "Were finally here my mom" exclaimed,  the building looked so creepy, it was all my mom's idea for me to become a stupid lawyer like my exasperating dad.
       I hurried outside the car with  my mom insisting on me to hugging  her good bye. "Bye mom ", I said.  I left my suitcase to the secretary office where I recieve my dorm room number as room 45 and my schedule for the week.
       I went to room 45, where I was surprised to see Noah and Shad were my roommate. We did our secret handshake and unpacked our stuffs. I put up poster of Demi Lavoto a very sexy iconic girl.
      After unpacking, We decided to go for a walk around the school checking out the booties of the girls we saw and the way their body curve.we got tired, so we decided to sit down on a wall. When I saw two girls with asses so fat that they drive me crazy.
"Damn girls your asses are so fine ",  I said trying to obtain their attention. The dark skin girl turned around and stared at me and the blondie was trying to play hard to get. Walking with her head high.
     The dark skin girl turned around, "I am Ariyanna and this is Jai", "Jaimin", the blondie arrogantly interrupted. "Spot you girls from a mile, your curves so unique baby girls , you make your mama proud",  I said. "Am not your baby ", the blondie said. "Your going to be ", I teased. Blondie walked off upset but the African American girl lingered behind.
      Noah started talking to her and then they exchange number. I asked her to give the blondie my  number and she sprinted off to catch up with blondie. Noah was so excited,"Am iconic"he said  we high five each other and then walked back to my room. I took a thirty minute naps and then woke up very hungry.
     I took $30 from my wallet and then went to find, the burger king on the campus,  I forgot that I didn't eat any breakfast. My stomach was growling and I had to wait for almost half an hour to obtain my burger and Pepsi cola.             I walked hastily to my dorm room, so that I could consume my food. Suddenly I felt something hard collide into me and my head started to hurt me, "Are you stupid, look where your going you oversized ass girl ", I said to her in anger. She had spilled my entire food on me and I was very hungry. Am so sorry, I didn't see you ", she said . "Next time look where your going you fat pig ", I said. "your going to buy back my food now" ,I demanded.
      "She said that it was just an accident man, let her go and hear is $50 dollar more than what you paid for food ", a loud voice said. I turned around to see a dark skin boy. He gave me $50 and then I realized that it was the blondie Jaimin that I had been so harsh to. It was too late, she was talking to boy who introduced hisself as Jacob.
          I walked off and went to my room and changed my clothes into another full black suit and then went to MacDonalds and got burger,  fries and drinks and ate them. I relaxed for fifteen minutes then got my books and walked towards my first class which is law. "Joshua ", I heard someone called out. I turned around to see Ariyanna. "Hey Ariyanna",  I said. "Why are you so late for your class", "look who is talking,  we are both late for class ". We talked as we walked to our law class.
      I sat down at the back seat and I Ariyanna walked all the way to front as if she won a Grammy or something. The lecturer gave her a stare of disbelief and then continued teaching. The class was the longest and most boring class I have ever been to before and I had a four minutes nap and then wake up back. The bell rang and Noah, shad and I made our way back to our dorm. The first day of college was so lame.
   Jailah 's POV
     I walked to class talking to Jacob, he was an amazing individual. He saved me from being embaressed by the ignorant boy who demanded for me to buy back is lunch. I told my Jacob that my name was Jailah and he complimented me on the extravagant name I had.
       We were the first individuals to reach our law class and we talked for ten minutes learning about our likes and dislikes and what we had in common. "My favourite colour is blue, red and green ", he said. My favourite colour is red, pink and brown I replied. "Your an angel, who sees the beauty in those colour ", he replied. I blushed and smiled.
        Suddenly the lecturer entered the room. She was dressed in a navy blue skirt suit and looked like she could be our age. Her brown hair was combed down and she introduced herself as Mrs. Hart. She had a very interesting teaching style as she tried to show us to solved the case study she placed on the screen being projected.
     Minutes turned into hours and keep turning around to check if Ari had entered the class. Their were no signs of her and I wondered if she was still studying. Twenty minutes passed and I turned around to see Ariyanna entered the class with the arrogant blonde boy. I wondered if what they were doing was so entertaining that it occupied all their time.
        The blonde boy sat at the back of the class,  where usually idlers went to but Ariyanna was the boldest of all. She wondered into the class and walked confidently to front row and took a seat. Mr. Hart steered at her in shocked but continued her lesson. I keep side eyeing Ariyanna to see what she was doing and she was there taking notes.
      The law class was finally finished and jacob offered to walk me to my room,  such a perfect gentlemen. I approved and told Ariyanna who gave me a wink and then walked before us. We walked for minuted until I reached my dorm room. "Well this is where my journey end "I said. "No young lady,  its where your journey with me began ", he said confidently, I tried to hide my blush. "Can I have your number ", he asked. I squealed inside because I lowkey wanted to ask him for his number. I gave him my number and then we said goodbye.
             I opened the door only to see Ari, eavesdropping on us. "I was just bolting the door ", she said  and we both laughed. Today was just the first day of college and it had been very rough for me. 
    Author's note
Am so sorry for writing this short chapter,  I will make it up to you all. Remember to comment and vote. Thanks for the support. I appreciate you all. Q. Exotics.

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