Chapter One- Sinner Buried Under Snow

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Late, on a snowy mid-winter day along the Glory Run road, a lonely grave, where friends wept, lies. With out a second of notice a snake painted purple arm reaches out toward the darkened sky, then the second. The two hands push up and with a sharp gasp of air a purple tiefling restlessly pulls himself out of the snow covered ground. He looks around in dazed like state, confused of who he was, what he was doing here, and where he is more importantly. He tugs the sliver and blue gaudy tapestry from where he was resting in and once freed he rolls it up. When he looks up he sees a colorful, intricately embroidered, coat covered in symbols he didn't recognize. He pulls the coat off the stick it was resting on and as he puts it on he realizes the pink flowers growing from within his torso. Looking at the note that was with him, disregarding it as he didn't know what it said and didn't know how to read.
The colorful tiefling gathers the items that remained with him and began his long walk south of the road his grave was placed on...

After hours and hours of walking, the sun stared to creep over the mountains in the distance as the tiefling finds his way down the road, eventually stabling on a small farmhouse in the distance. Suddenly realizing he could ask for help there, he walks up to the beautifully craved oak wood door he gently knocks, not realizing the time in the morning. To his surprise a younger elven women opens the door, her reddish brown hair tousled and adorned in a silk robe over a white nightgown, as she looks up confused at the complete stranger standing in her family home's doorway.

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