Chapter 3- Myself

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T/W: Panic Attack

"I can't be- I couldn't have- how would I be here?" Molly said panicking, his sentences merging together. June leans over placing a hand on his forehead, feeling the heat. "You're as alive as I am," she says taking her hand down, sitting back down, "but you are running a fever, most likely from the temperature outside and the fact your coat- no offense- probably isn't made for the north. You should get rest, I can start packing my stuff and later we can start our journey south to Zadash."

He nodded, "maybe you're right. I still have the feeling I forgetting something important, but I don't know what." June stood up and picked up her's and Molly's tea cups, "it's common for people with amnesia to forget things," she said smugly. Molly got playfully defensive, "you know for a fact that's not what I meant," crossing his arms sarcastically. They both laugh for a moment, until June goes and starts washing the dishes.

It's mostly quiet until Molly looks up and says, "Why are you helping me?" June, still doing the dishes, says still mildly confused, "I don't know what you mean." "Well, it's just that, we just met, we're be gone who knows how long, we're going miles away, how do I know I can trust you?" She laughs, "It's up to you if you trust me or not, you're free to leave if you please. I'm just offering my help where I can-" Molly chimes in, "how can you trust me, I just showed up here and-" suddenly he chokes on his words as he begins crying.

Juniper puts down the glass she was rinsing and rushes into the living room and sits on the couch next to Molly, comforting her new friend, "Molly it's-its alright, I trust you-" Molly shouts, "you shouldn't!" June taken aback recomposes herself and still in and sympathetic tone says, "Molly...why- why wouldn't trust you."

He looks up tears still in his eyes and says, "you don't know the kind of person I was, I don't even know the kind person I was. What if I did something horrible, or hurt people close, or-or," "Mollymauk," June says in a stern but reassuring tone, "that person isn't you, you are you, what you do now is all that matters." She smirks, "and if that letter is any hint to your past, you have friends-no- a family that's waiting for you to come home, so you should."

Molly looks shocked at the answer he wasn't prepared to receive. Maybe you're right, he thinks to himself. June takes the opportunity to change the subject. She perks up and says, "maybe it's best if leave tomorrow. Just to give you time to ground yourself and so i can prepare my stuff and horses." Molly solemnly nods still trying to take in his own thoughts.

After a long day of making up travel plans, and readying to leave, Molly and June just wanted to get some rest, and rest they did.

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