Protection & MORE

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Chapter Four

A thorough investigation must be held before attempting to cleanse the home to determine what type of haunting your home has. Why? If you try to use sage to rid a house of Demonic entities, it will not work. Activity may subside, but it will eventually come back full force. You will want to use something of the same religion. For example, if there is an intelligent haunting in a home in Africa, you wouldn't use Chinese ways to rid the African spirit.
You should use something of African nature, same thing with Demonic, you should use Christian ways.

Whichever religion you believe in this world, ask for protection by prayer or however you may. YOUR religion & belief will likely not effect the spirit. Do NOT mix religions. Do not try cleansing with Native American beliefs & then Christian ways, this can further upset or trigger the spirit...putting you in harms way.

Use one and one only.

Some people wear crosses or rosaries. Others do not wear anything. It's also important to remember not all spirits have evil intentions.

Side note: Take your glasses off while smudging (cedar, sage, or Sweetgrass use). I was told by a Chippewa elder that it scares the relatives and ancestors away, because they will see their reflection in the glass.

Leave a window open while smudging, so spirits can exit.

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