I see...Dead People

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                              Chapter Seven

•Psychics and Mediums
These are people who can see & talk to spirits.
They have a gifted ability! Some people are born seeing these things, while others learn how to develop abilities. All of us are psychics; Some choose to learn, others ignore, or some don't even know they are.

Psychics can help confused, lost, or unwanted spirits. They can also help you communicate/translate messages you wish you could still say to your loved ones, kind of like the TV show "Ghost Whisperer."

Crossing over is a common myth. People think all you have to do is tell a spirit to "go to the light" and boom! They're gone. If this were the case don't you think there'd be a lot less spirits today?

Sometimes investigations will give spirits peace and they will often cross over. Other times (most often) cleanses are needed. During investigations spirits may get their voices heard, which is all they may need. Other times they are trying to deliver a message.

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