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Hanbin's p.o.v

"I'm going to make this simple for you. You have two choices," he began as he continues to pin me against my locker.

"Either you give your lunch or i lock you on the rooftop." My eyes open wide. I need to be strong, i need to say no.

"Lock me up." I look away from his eyes.

"Fine then." He grabs my wrist and drags me to the rooftop.

"Here stay, i need to hide the key somewhere." I stop the door with my foot, regretting it in after.

"Why do you hate so much?" I ask. He looks me in the eyes and chuckles.

"Many reasons, really, but i think the first must be that you're garbage, nobody likes you." I take my foot out of the way and slam the door shut. Tears began to fall as i slide down against the wall.

"Is i-it r-really true?" I ask myself as i hug my knees close to my chest. I bury my face on my knees.

"What d-did i do to d-deserve this?" I lift up head and stare at the cloudy sky. It's probably going to rain.

"Well, if i'm garbage, no wonder i have no friends." I look at my phone. It's useless actually can't help me. I put music on and close my eyes. I lean my head on the wall behind me and smile. At least it's quiet.

"Anya gwaenchanhdago malhajiman, Don't know what to do without you." i begin to sing. Tears fall and i continue to smile.

Jiwon's p.o.v

"Anya gwaenchanhdago malhajiman, don't know what to do without you." he sang as sobs. I frown and slid down against the door.

"to me, you're an angel." i whisper and smile. rain begins to pour harshly against the door. Oh Shit, i didn't know it was going to rain!

i open the door and barge out. not thinking that i need the key to get back inside.

"hanbin?" i call out. I hear crying coming from one of the corners of the building. I see him formed into a little ball, soaking wet.

"hanbin, come here!" i yell out. He doesn't budge. I sigh and walk towards him.

"You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here." I grab his arm. He pulls his arm harshly back to his side. He avoid my stare.

"Fine!" I walk back to the door and pull at the handle. It doesn't open. I pull harder, it doesn't budge.

"What the-"

"Didn't you hide the key?" Hanbin asks from behind me.

"Shit!" I mentally face palm. I grab my phone but it's dead.

"Do you have anything you can call with?" I ask as i run my had through my soaking wet hair.

"Yeah." He hands me his phone. I dial Junhoe's number and it begins to ring.



"Who is this?"

"It's me, Jiwon."

"Who's phone number is this"

"Not important right now."

"What do you want? I can't do much since i'm home sick."

"Then nevermind." I hang up the call.

"Well what did he say?" Hanbin asks as he crosses his arms.

"He can't come." I give him back his phone and sit on the wet floor.

"Well, if it rains all night then we will probably die from cold weather." He says as he sits next to me.

Hanbin's p.o.v

Of course i had to be stuck up here with the person that hates me.

"What if use each other as heat..." Jiwon mumbles. My eyes become wide as i blush.

"W-WHAT!" I exclaim and cover my body with my arms.

"Not like that but we hide under the ledge that has some coverage of the rain and we can hug until someone saves us." He explains. I look at him and nod. I swear i could see a glint of happiness in his eyes.

"Umm are you comfortable?" I ask as i put my arms around him and my head against his chest. He nods and wraps his arm around my waist and puts his head on top of mine.

"I guess we need to stay here for a while." He laughs slightly.

The rain stops after around fifteen minutes of hugging. He falls asleep and i look up at him. Cute. Did i really just think that?!?!

"Ha ha." I laugh silently.

The end~

(Eventually they get saved by the school janitor but they catch colds.)

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