(1.3) Found Again

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I didn't wake for a long time, and when I did, the light was bright and the ground was dry. Eleven wasn't with me anymore, and I couldn't see her from my spot on the ground. I had slid down the side of a hill, a long way down. It took me a minute to get myself to my feet, but once I did I couldn't help but shout in pain. Nothing left my lips of course, but the movement still made me ache. A sharp pain echoed up my wings, and I nearly fell back down from it. 

When I steadied on my feet, I stumbled forward, up the hill that I fell down, as I climbed up, clumps of my feathers sat on the bank. At the top, I turned around, one way was the way I had come, and one way was the way that Eleven had gone. I sighed, slowly stretching my wings, for the first time in a long time I can stretch them fully across the empty space. I smile, feeling the few feathers ruffle and shake in their spots.

I sweep them up and down, letting the wind catch beneath them to pull me into the sky. I fly through the trees, and let my feet brush across the tops of the trees. I scan the Earth, looking for Eleven, and with a heavy heart I am unable to find her. I make it a far distance from where I started, before I slowly starting to loose speed. I found an open space below me and I slowly brought myself to land there. I stumble to my knees, and rest my wings on the ground around me.

Voices fill the space around me. Shouting the same thing over and over again. A name, like how Benny had a name.

"Will! Will Byers!" I did not know who 'Will Byers' was but something told me he was important. That he needed to be found, I wasn't sure when he would be. All I knew was that I couldn't let these people find me. I hurried to my feet, disappearing just inside the line of trees. I followed the space that I landed on, the black top was wide and long. I followed it until the light became dark. I was afraid again. Every creak of the trees and snap of the branches brought fear into my heart. I ran, long and hard. It became harder to breath, and I stumbled to a stop. A light shined its way through the trees, the second I could breath again I walked towards it. Using the little bit of light to guide my steps. I only fell twice.

The light led to people, they were like me. They looked like me, sort of. Two did, but three were like Eleven. Their shouts were different from the other peoples, happy and excited. From what I could see, each of them look different from the next. One had short hairs, and the rest had long, none had hairs as short as mine. One had funny looking circles on her face, that she pulled off and messed with many times. One was called Carol, another Tommy, but I couldn't tell the rest of the names.

I stood just at the edge of trees, watching the people from my spot. I was quick to tuck my wings under my shirt once again, worried that their bright white would shine through the trees and catch the attention of those across the grass. I watched as one pushed another, and she fell into water, yelping and shouting happily.

I started to turn to leave, tired of watching them be happy. I knew that Eleven wasn't there, and that there was no point in waiting for someone who wasn't there. I did not make it to the edge of the light, before something told me to turn around. I did, quickly running through the trees back the way I came. A hollow-feeling filled my chest when I realized that I was not quick enough.

The girl with circles over her eyes was gone, a black spot sat where she used to be. I could feel the shadows in the air, in the trees around me. When I turned I found the one thing I feared above all, a Scratcher. A creature of fear, it kills all that oppose it, and it had taken the girl.

I was quick to move away, running from the Scratcher, but I was not quick enough, it caught me with a slimy hand and I fell once again. It screamed over me, open its large mouth to reveal rows and rows of sharp teeth. It lunged at me, its mouth locking on my shoulder, I opened my mouth to scream, nothing came out. White left my hands, hitting the Scratcher squarely in the chest ripping it off of me. I hit it again, using one hand to prop me up as I pressed the Scratcher against the tree. My final hit smacked into it so harshly that it disappeared into the Upsidedown, and I was left bleeding. 

I had no idea what to do, blood was pooling from my shoulder and I could feel its teeth trapped in spots. I was crying in pain, and had no one to help me at this time. I thought of the people of the house, and I was quick to move closer, stumble against trees as I went. I fell to my knees and layed in the grass for a long time. Hours past, and I was beginning to fade when voices caught my attention.

A voice like Elevens, lighter in tone, was calling out a name again. This one sounded like Benny, but was different like most. "Barb? Barb?"

If I listened as closely I could hear the conversation. "-drive you home. Tommy- ol have left. --Home?"

I didn't know what drive meant, but the one that was like Eleven left quickly, and the one like me was left alone next to the water. He started to pick things up, and that was when I struggled to my feet and walked to him. He did not realize I was there until I stepped on something, he spoke without looking up.

"Nancy, if you need a ride just ask." He continued to pick things up. I walked closer. I had forgotten about not being able to speak, and as I approached him I mouthed one word, "Help." Over and over again, hoping that this man would be like Benny. He looked up, "Nanc-"

He started to move away from me, saying a word that I didn't understand. "What the fuck?" His eyes caught the blood that began to pool from my shoulder again and his eyes widened in surprise. The one like me was quick to run to me. "Oh my god you're hurt. Oh my god, oh my fuck-"

My blood dripped down my arm and fell to the ground, I was quick to follow.

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