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After that word was used, I was taken into another room away from the boys. Hopper was there, and Joyce, and the doctor of course.

It took a lot of explaining for me to understand, and they took me to get scans and such. It was loud and I didn't like it, but Hopper said I had too so I did. The doctor, who's name I didn't care about remembering, told me a lot of long words about what was wrong with my arm. And then Hopper explained everything how I would understand it.

The 'paralysis' means that my lower arm is going to be stuck in one way for the rest of my life. Or at least a really long time, the chances of my getting my arm back is 'slim.' Which means small. And I would have to do 'therapy' which means moving it in a way that is helpful. When the doctor left, Hopper smiled at me, doing his sad one again.

I shook my head at him, and smile happily, pointing at him to do the same. He laughs, and smiles happily.

"Come on kid, Steve should be in there." He walks around to the back of my chair and starts to push, I wave my hand at him. He stops, and looks at me. I point at my left arm, and shake my head no. "Zero, he's gonna need to know soon."

I nod, and wiggle my shoulders.

"I won't say anything, but you should soon." I nod, a wave him off. Hopper rolls me down the hall, when we clunk through the door to Will and I's shared room, Steve is sitting on Will's bed talking excitably with him.

I wave to Steve, and silently laugh as he comes bounding across the room to me, wrapping his arms around me in a massive hug. I laugh, hugging him back with my right arm and burying my head into his neck. The hug is a long one, but comfortably so. When Steve pulls back he smiles brightly at me, rolling me back into the hallway. We move down the hallway, Steve rolling me at a leisurely pace.

"Is there somewhere outside?" I don't think he meant for me to hear him, but I did, and I led the way to the outside balcony. He faces my wheelchair towards the sky, and sits on the ground next to across from me, his back propped up against the balcony wall.

It's quiet for a few minutes, before Steve sighs happily and starts to talk. "You came back. I was worried you wouldn't."

I was worried too. I didn't think I'd be back either. I shuffle forward in the chair, and push myself to my feet. It was shaky and not great, but it worked. I took three steps forward, holding my left hand to my chest and turning to sit next to him. Steve's hands landed on my waist, and he slowly helped me sit down next to him.

I leaned heavily into Steve's side, sighing and letting my eyes fall close. I listened to his heart, beating steadily in his chest, and I was happy. This made me happy. Sitting with Steve on a balcony, being outside with Steve. Steve makes me happy.

"I," he sighed, "like you Zero."

I smiled, and nodded, touching his hand with my right. He takes my hand, holding it firmly in his own. I feel the side of his head touch mine, as he sighs loudly. We sat like this for a long time. My eyes fell shut at some point, and for once I didn't see anything except for the dark. I could hear Steve's heart beat, consistent and strong in his chest.

I didn't know what was coming next. Eleven wasn't here anymore. Brenner wasn't here anymore. I was different than how I was a few days ago. So much of what had happened was already beginning to change me, and I knew that it was all for the better. Steve was here too, and I was sure that he would be here for a while.

"Zero. You don't know what that means do you?" Steve's voice had a bit of a shake to it, like he wasn't sure of what he was saying.

I picked my head off of his shoulder, and looked up at him with a smile. I shook my head, and leaned back a few inches.

"Jeez Z." He shoves a hand through his hair, ruffling through the dirty mess that it had become in the past few hours. "When someone likes someone, it's a good thing. They like to stick around, and be with the person whenever they can. They, uh, they kiss, and laugh and smile together."

He paused, looking at me for my response. I kind of just stared at him, looking at him with a flat look. I did understand what he was saying, but at the same time I didn't. I liked Steve, but I also liked Dustin and Eleven and Mike and Lucas and Will. He sighed again, turning a bit to look at me head on.

"Okay so. I like Hopper and I like Joyce, but not like how I like you. Does that make sense." I just nodded. "So when it comes to you, I like like you. Which means I like you in a romantic way. You know what Romance is right?"

I bobbled my head from side to side, showing that I sort-of understood.

He nodded. "So you understand that I like you romantically," (nod) "But that also this isn't the normal way to love."

I guess I looked confused because he continued.

"Normally it's a boy and a girl, and if you, uh, if you like me back, some people won't like that." He got quiet for a minute, so I reached out and held his hand, letting my voice echo into his head.

"I like it, who cares what people like." He laughed at my words, and than did something that I didn't understand.

He leaned forward, and put his lips on mine. This movement didn't last long, and when he pulled back he looked pink. I considered the motion for a minute, before slowly leaning forward and doing it to him. He took control quickly, putting a hand on the back of my neck and the other around my waist. He pulled me closer, moving me to sit in his lap, and held his lips to mine, moving them every few seconds.

When he pulled back, I was sure I was pink also. He pulled me into his chest, and I hugged him tightly. His heart was pounding, and I was sure mine was as well.

So this is like?

To Catch a Falling Star (Steve Harrington)Where stories live. Discover now