(1.16) Time Passes

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I did not stay in the Lab for long.

Steve stayed beside me for my short time in there, and the second they pulled the metal from my hand he took me home. Joyce's house was messy, messier than it was the first time I was there, but she was cleaning when we arrived. I was given a room, and clothing, and Steve stayed with me.

I spent the first few weeks alone with just him. Thinking about Eleven, and learning about things that Steve liked. I learned about music, and books, and cars, it was amazing.

After two weeks, I was open to more people. The boys came around often to visit, and I learned how to play their dungeon game. Even Hopper came by when he could, which seemed to be every other night. Joyce decided on family dinner, and this was the biggest family I had ever had. There are so many of us that we eat outside on two tables pushed together.

There's Hopper and Joyce, who sit at opposite ends. Then the three boys, Dustin, Mike, and Lucas, who all sit on the same to-small bench. Nancy and Jonathon sit across from each other, making love-eyes the whole time. And Steve sits next to me, on my right, holding my unmoving hand, and ready to help whenever I need.

This was my new home, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Everyone is perfectly fine with my displays of gifts. I even overheard Joyce talking to Steve about having him encourage me to use them more. Something about associating all of the bad from the lab with something good or common in life. I didn't understand at first, but now I do. She wants me to not be afraid of them anymore. And I'm slowly changing my mind.

Dinner went as it usually did, and right as Joyce was picking up the dishes from the table, the phone started to ring. Steve was quick to pick it up, as I moved to help Joyce clean up, Hopper went to the phone at Steve's call.

"Here, you can dry." Joyce's voice startled me a bit, and I nodded. Using my left to put my right wrist into the loop that I constantly wore over my shoulder. It was too keep the arm from flopping around and getting in the way, and was a useful addition to my everyday wear. I leaned my hips against the counter top, and began to dry the plants. Often pushing them against my stomach to hold them steady.

Joyce mutters an apology, and steps away going to talk to Hopper.

"Hey Zero!" Dustin says excitedly, hopping over to the sink and turning it back on. I smile and nod in his direction, "Are you going to do school?"

I paused in my drying, the only sound in the kitchen being Dustin washing the dishes. I hadn't really thought about it, some part of me wanted too, but I didn't know if I'd be able too. I shrug and resume drying. 

"I think you should. It'll be fun!" Dustin responds, just as he starts to talk again a voice cuts over.

"Zero." Hopper calls from behind me, I turn. He waves his hand, motioning me to come to him, I nod, and put the towel back down. He pulls me into the other room, and when I look him in the eyes he looks happy-sad. "I just got some news kid."

I nod, shoving my one hand into my pocket and wait for him to continue.

"I got your name kid." He smiled as he spoke, and my mouth fell open. I motion for him to continue, "It's Xavier. Xavier Matthew Jones."

I smile, feeling a tear fall from my eyes, I throw my arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a hug. He laughs, holding me tightly. I mouth the name, Xavier, it felt so right. Like it really did belong to me.

"You want to tell 'em kid, or me?" Hopper asks after I pull back, I motion to him, and he nods. Pulling me out of the room, and calling for everyone to come into the kitchen. A few minutes pass, and once everyone is in Hopper smiles brightly. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Xavier Matthew Jones."

It took everyone a second to realize, but the second they did everyone was hollering. Shouting, and jumping around the room in excitement. The three boys came and wrapped me up in a hug, and I smiled squeezing them tightly. Once they pull away, Steve smiles at me, walking towards me.

"Well well well, Xavier." He grabs me by the waist and pulls me forward, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

He kisses me on the lips, and I smile into it, kissing him firmly back.

This is how I want the rest of my days to be. In the company of family, with a name that is a name, and with a person I care a lot about. An ache fills my chest, and I know that I will never be the same without Eleven here with me.

But with Steve, everything is just a little bit less scary.

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