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this goes out to the jenna to my dawn

see if you can catch my reference ;)


jack: hey guys, wanna go to the mall today?

finn read as he picked up his phone.

it's thursday. he remembered. millie was in today.

finn: i'm down

jaeden: same. what time?

jack: idk maybe like 2 or something

finn: what about 3 at the pretzel store

jaeden: that works for me

jack: ok

finn sat up, looking at his alarm clock that read 12:30. his eyes widened, realizing how late he had slept in.

during the night his stomach rolled with nerves. he was gonna go see her again and didn't know what to say.

what was he going to say?

how would he approach her?

would he bring her a gift?

how would he dress?

all of these thoughts slammed through his brain.

come on thursday.

finn thought of millie's words. she told him to come. she wanted him to come. and he wanted to be there. he wanted to see her again, with her hair tied back and her cute apron. he wanted to watch her make smoothies again. he wanted to know her.

she wanted to know him.

finn;s thoughts kept him up all night, resulting in him way oversleeping.

suddenly, finn's little sister brooklyn broke into his room, laughing at him.

"what do you want?" finn groaned as he popped his back.

"your girlfriend is here." she smiled deviously.

"who?" finn's mind raced with confusion.

"i don't know her name! just go see your girlfriend, finnie." she sang.

finn stood up, the balls of his feet touching the floor, sending tingles up his legs.

he made his way down the stairs and opened the door to see the petite girl, standing in front of him.

"millie?" he questioned. "how in the world did you get my address?" he laughed.

"i have sources." she winked, causing finn to let out a small laugh, before they both went silent due to the awkwardness.

finn didn't want it to be awkward. he wanted it to get to the point where they were so comfortable with each other that silence was just another thing. he looked into her eyes that were reflecting the midday sun before she spoke up again.

"come here?" she spoke.

"come where?"

"just follow me!" the girl smiled.

"can i at least get changed first?" finn asked the girl, a smile growing on his face.

"i guess." she said, she corners of her mouth turning up to the sound of his voice.


"so where are we going?" finn asked, as the girl drove her yellow jeep wrangler.

"ok well first i have a question, and if you respond differently than i'm expecting, we might just have to drive back." she states. finn looks at her, waiting for her to finish. "you do like me...right?"

millie began to feel insecure. she was never this bold. she would never ask anyone this question. but she wanted the answer. she needed the answer. she couldn't just sit in the dark, unknowing of his feelings. millie didn't even know her true feelings. she needed to hear him say it first. she didn't want to think that they liked each other and then he started going out with someone else.



"i think so." the boy smiled. millie's cheeks burned a crimson red blush, hearing him say that. butterflies pranced around her stomach, making her feel something she'd never felt before. "you intrigue me. i've used that word so many times to describe you. intriguing. i don't know what it is, but i want to know you."

"well in that case..." millie said as she turned into lulu's pie shop. the local cafe. "let's get to know each other." she said, taking the keys out of her car and putting it in park.


"wait so you've never dated anyone before?" millie asked finn.

"nope. commitment is scary for me, so i've just avoided all possible relationships." he states. "have you ever dated anyone?" he asked, taking a bite of his slice of wild, wild berry pie.

"yeah..." millie stated glumly. "it wasn't healthy. it's ok though. i've moved on." she smiles.

"good." he said, returning the smile. "ok, so, um...what's your favorite tv show?"

"the office. classic comedy." she laughed to herself.

"i haven't watched it." finn said, causing her eyes to widen.

"are you serious? ok. our next date: an office marathon."

"next date?" finn smiled hopefully.

"i'd say this went pretty well." millie said, her cheeks becoming rosy while she looked at the boy.

"i'd say so too." he said, looking into her eyes with a smile.

real joy.

her eyes were filled with real joy.

millie's phone began to buzz in her pocket. "shit!" she said, looking at the text from her best friend.


"it's noah." she says, standing up. "i'm 30 minutes late for work."

"oh shit, i'm sorry." he said, realizing how long he'd kept her there for. he quickly took some money out of his wallet and put it on the table to pay for him and millie's pie.

marshmallow mermaid pie.

her favorite.

"it's not your fault. plus it was worth it." she smiled at him.


"sorry sorry sorry." millie repeated to noah as she slipped on her apron and went behind the counter.

"it's fine. luckily joe didn't come by so he didn't know you were late." noah said. "so, how'd it go with finn?" he asked.

"good." she smiled wide. "i like him."

finn ran through the mall to the auntie anne's where he saw his best friends looking at him weirdly.

"what are those looks for?" he asks, confused.

"well first of all, you're late." jaeden said.

"but also, was that the girl from the orange julius place?" jack laughed.


"yeah, we saw you two walking in." jaeden chuckled.

"when were you gonna tell us?" jack asked.

"i mean, now i guess. we literally just went out for the first time today." finn admitted to his best friends.

"right." jaeden said. "let's go to the vans store." he said, resulting in an eye roll from both jack and finn.

finn glanced back at the orange julius shop to see that the girl was looking at him. he smiled at her before he turned the corner, resulting in the crimson red blush to spread across her face once more.


this chapter sucked. sorry

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