Lets Talk About Your Hair

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Harry couldn't quite comprehend it, he couldn't believe it, he had landed on malfoy and his body wouldn't seem to move, and his mind wasn't working properly, no matter how hard he tried to move his body wouldn't corporate and the longer he stayed the hazier his mind become, its hardly been a second and his thoughts had drifted from wanting to get off, to the blue flecks that lay hidden under the grey touched eyes then his mind wondered back and forth and malfoy hadn't seem to be protesting, he hadn't seem to push him off,
And Harry really couldn't help the intoxicating smell that came from malfoy, and he really couldn't help his body not being able to move, really he couldn't!

His mind had been arguing back and forth,
get off malfoy.
Stay on malfoy
Get off malfoy
Stay on malfoy
Damn it just move!
Stay on malfoy.
Until he heard some one whistle behind them, then his mind had become blank, and now he truly didn't know what to do.

The whistle had been followed along with a loud and deafening amount of claps and cheering and then Harry had realised where he had been and that everyone had just seen,

malfoys grey based eyes that held the blue flakes that Harry hadn't seen until now but still adores had a deathlock on the younger boy.

"Get the fuck of me scarhead"

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