Good Morning, Élite !!!! ~ Part Two ( English version )

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( A kiss for my T. )

The thought of going back to work after my vacation !!!! Ugh !!!! My head is exploding !!!!

Aaand, my day is ruined !!!!

It is the 13th of August, once, not that long ago, just a couple of months ago, my girlfriend told me that I should start writing a blog and write down my everyday life so that they can stay somewhere behind me in some kind of a cloud !!!!

Well, good morning, that is exactly what I started doing, so that I can survive all those embarrassments, discomforts which await me !!!! In hope of becoming an American writer, here in fucking Serbia !!!! But no, that was already done by Zoran Ciric for me, and I am not famous for being that good and Americanized !!!!

That is why I shall stay in my cloud, unlike him, since he has his books published !!!!

Literature is on its own quite lonely and a confusing science, and journalism is becoming the only literature today and not only just in this climate, which is the dump of Europe !!!!

I am trying hard to say something nice about this land, but she just can't get a nice makeover, she's always turning her head away from the problematic pimples !!!!

I wrote to my girlfriend that I am currently listening to Armstrong and that I am getting hot on her ;) under the New Orleans sun !!!! She answered me with:" I am listening to Sinatra!" I ADORE HER !!!!

She has a name that has an autumn vibe to it, which always cools down my hot head without fail; she has beautiful hands which are occupied with drawing in the mornings !!!! That is the person with whom I love everyday life with !!!! She teaches me how to live !!!!

She is the period in my life, that punctuation mark which, in a metaphorical sense, means my one and only love !!!! If anyone thought to themselves that I am going to shit about romance now, oh boy were you wrong !!!! My girlfriend always pokes me when I go too far with emotions !!!! What can a Pisces to better than being romantic ???? Ewww !!!! Slimy !!!!

This is a scenario of a new American day in Serbia, in my cloud, all other information will be heard throughout the day, where I will be seen sitting on the toilet, shitting all over Microsoft Word !!!! Imagining the white screen in front of me being my toilet paper !!!!

Psychical emptying and growing up !!!!

The only question is how long will it last and because of who will it last ????

Is it because of my growing up in which my girlfriend Tanya is pushing me, in which I too believe that I need it !!!!

Number one rule in Tanya's codex:" Do not neglect your friends !!!!" I will try, seriously, throughout the day to do so !!!!

This has a radio show concept to it, because that is the easiest way, to imagine that a microphone is in front of me as I speak to the world, which is good because then I know that I need to be careful with my choice of words !!!! This is the introductory part of a radio show !!!!

I am imagining Springsteen's dodge in this sentence !!!! And I highlight SPRINGSTEEN'S !!!!

I always wondered where he got that dark thickness in poetry !!!! I just can not seem to catch it while writing, and you can't say that it's from lack of trying !!!! I tried to resemble a lot of writers, as a matter of fact, I am doing that right now, I am trying to look like someone, just not look like me !!!!

And I am doing all that by the recipe of Jackson Pollock, I am just shaking off words !!!! Nothing more, and if you think that that is art, you are hella wrong !!!! This is just one more day in someone else's small life !!!!

Enough talk about a small grain of dust which is rolling around in the universe, Einstein already sang enough about it !!!! I remain to be who I am, a kid who is on his way to become middle-age !!!!

Out of these two coins keep in mind only the second part which is more irrational, which is making me somewhat of a writer !!!! Nothing else should be remembered for there will be no great displays of wisdom !!!! By no means !!!!

I shall stay anonymous while I exist because only words are important in a reportage sense !!!!

The reportage of life !!!!

That is how it would sound !!!! Yes !!!!

Tanya and I aren't living in the same city and that fact kills us daily, and her horoscope of today predicts:" Dissatisfaction on the love plan threatens to cause serious conflict between your loved one and you. The real cause of all this is that you have for some time reduced your relationship to correspondence and telephone conversations, which are mostly hectic."

Yes, messages are a way of survival, like a drop of water in a desert !!!!

This city which is at the beginning of Western civilization if you look at the geographical map or for those digital rather than analogue if you look at google maps !!!!

I spiced up my summer with the series Californication !!!! Also my writing and my life, under the heat, and not under the habitance of the main character, from him I only stole the artistic gift !!!! And enjoying in my wife, because I enjoy in my Tanya !!!! And no, I will not put here any kind of comparison like 'he in Karen' because that would be just rude !!!!

In any way, Tanya is a Saggitarius and I am a little Pisces, and you see, the only true parallelism between the series and us is that of which I am rooting my damn best for to find out that she is a Saggitarius and he a Pisces !!!!

Meh, what rooting, I have PLANTED it into my brain, like a beech, beech as in a tough tree, not as a letter ( bukva ) !!!!

School Bench Relationships !!!! In a relationship, you learn so that it can become successful and I mean that in a functional way !!!!

"And don't feed yourself with the same meat every day! " – those are the words from my friend !!!!

And as for the literary advice, write like Charles Bukowski and live life like Ernest Hemingway !!!! Love your wife like Hank Moody and you will not make a mistake !!!!

Imagine that you are Zoran Ciric in Serbia !!!! Satchmo Armstrong in voice and Eric Clapton on the guitar !!!! That you are Henry Miller in complexity and Bryan Ferry in romance !!!! That you're Steve Mcqueen on the small screen, or in other words for the digitals, that you're Steve Mcqueen from Torrent, although that got old as well !!!! That you're Calvin Klein by design and that your girlfriend is Brooke Shields in sex appeal !!!!

And forget where you live, because that is the only precondition to writing that will last in a way that you wish for it to be !!!!

Write chronicles like Bob Dylan and don't expect a Nobel prize !!!! Somewhere next to your bed keep James Joyce if you ever need help for imagination !!!! Get off your medication slowly, if you had already gotten off alcohol because no one ever wrote anything good while being drunk !!!! Be a romantic, but do not be weak like the Pisces in me !!!!

Strenght is truly and only in love !!!! From here to eternity – T. – ILY !!!!

                                                                 ~ Translated by: Tanya :3

Good Morning, Élite !!!! ( English version )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin