16. u jump, i jump

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jeff: where art thou,

my lucky charm

you: lol

jeff: there she is, in all her glory

you: yes, here i am indeed

jeff: u didn't like my newest instagram post :(

you: it's not of u?

jeff: swipe, dear

i'm on the second one

you: without ur shirt, yes

i can't encourage that kind of behavior

jeff: oh, u don't like it?

you: that's not what i mean

jeff: ;)

you: ok this was a trick

u tricked me

jeff: maybeee ;))

you: u know what

fuck u too :*


jeff: u sent me a kissy face

you: no i didn't

it was an accident

jeff: i don't think so ;)

ur randy for me

you: u wish

jeff: i sure do

you: ugh, gross

jeff: anyhow

david's throwing a party and i was thinking if u'd like to come

you: lol i've seen what kind of parties david throws

and i'm sorry but i'm not interested in dying yet

jeff: hey he doesn't make pretty girls like u jump in the pool from the roof

you: i'd like that tho

steve-o did it

jeff: yes, he did

but i wouldn't let u do it

unless the lucky charm is a sign of immortality :)

you: i want to jump and u won't stop me

in fact, u will jump with me

jeff: as u wish, dear

if i ever let u jump, obviously i wouldn't let u do it alone

or with some ethan guy

you: oh shit!

i forgot about him

he texted me earlier and i totally forgot, shit

jeff: well good for me for reminding u then

good for me...

She's the Lucky Charm / Jeff Wittek x Reader (Y/N) TEXT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now