chapter 3. Ice Cold

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(I am actually surprised someone reads my shit)

Zoroark's POV

I was just standing there. Paralyzed.
"Don't worry, I will not hurt you with my spike."

I found this as a window to escape and I'll try it.

"O-oh, uhm sorry. I thought you might've forgot about it. H-hehe."

"I would never."

Looks like he swallo- i-i mean fell for it.
Let's change the subject.

"You've n-never seen the pond th-h-at much, have y-ou?"

"Not really."

"I can sh-show it to you..."


"Y-yeah, I would be hono-r-red"

"Thank you."

He smiles at me. Where do I start...

His smile... It was so innocent and sincere. So friendly and eager. Words can't describe it. At least not me.

I gain more red on my face.


I agree, not making eye contact.

We sit next to the pond, soaking our feet. We chat for what it seemed, hours. Sometimes laughing, which is even worse than his smile.

"S-so do you like it?"

"Yeah. It's nice, I do like it"

"You k-know what else I like?"


I get a grin on my face


Just as I say that something tackled me into the pond. Even the universe doesn't want me to flirt.

Though it's not time for jokes, as it seems this...cold Pokemon wants me to drown. I wrigle and wrigle, and try and try. But it doesn't seem to be working. I pass out

Lucario's POV

"You k-know what else I like?"


I hear some weird fast beeping. But I can't react in time.


Regice tackles him into the pond. Doesn't look like it is going to let him out. I close my eyes and dive into the pond. Hopefully just seeing aura will be enough. But I have to remember I can't use too much power, otherwise I could hurt Zoroark.

I use everything in my power to damage regice, but it doesn't even budge. And I am running low on air...I WILL NOT LEAVE WITHOUT HIM(jeez calm down).
I have to think of something...

It might not work, but I will try it.
Dark pulse.
As I charge up the blast I pray.

Regice unfocused for a moment. That moment was enough for me to grab Zoroark and swim up to land.
Yeet. Anyways share I guess? Idc really. Also dark pulse can flinch with a 20% chance. Bye guys £:

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