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"Mack somebody's here for you" my mom shouted form downstairs.
It's a Saturday and I don't remember ever asking anybody to hang out.
"Coming" I screamed back as I walked down the stairs.
I went to the front door, expecting it to be like Annie because she always randomly comes over on the weekends without telling me beforehand.
But instead it was Johnny, and he was stood inside having a conversation with my mom.
what the fuck is he doing here, I thought.
Once I fake coughed, both my mom and Johnny looked up. I gave Johnny a what the fuck are you doing here face. He shrugged and indicated to go upstairs.
I shrugged and nodded.
Eventually after my mom stopped harassing him with pointless questions, we made our way upstairs to my room.
"Remember keep the door open mack" momma Mel shouted.
I looked away embarrassed, Johnny chuckled and took a seat on my bed where I was also seated.
"So what brings you to my house" I retorted.
"I don't know, got bored I guess"
"Hm" he looked at me with a smirk.
"Well wanna watch sum Netflix?" I said as I got up to turn my laptop on.
He nodded and I logged into my laptop. I turned American horror stories on and pressed play.
We were both laying on my double bed with the laptop in the middle of us. My head was leaning on his shoulder.

Jenzie tingsss🥵
This might be the longest chap yet :)

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