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Skip school day
Kenzie got home after a boring day of school and decided to go for a walk around her neighbourhood. When she was walking she accidentally hit her head on a tree, she looked up in pain and cursed under her breath. A boy who saw her hit her head, walked over to her feeling bad for her.
"Hey I saw you hit ur head, are u ok?" the mysterious boy asked
"Not rlly & not to be rude who are you?" Kenzie replied with a small smile.
"well I'm isaak and I'm new to this neighbourhood!"
"oh ok I'm kenzie" she smiled.
After a while of talking, isaak and kenzie walked together back to their houses and turned out they were neighbours. Tbh the house next to kenzie had been empty for ages, aswell as turning out to be neighbours they were also the same age and he was even going to her school. After swapping numbers they walked into their separate houses.

Two updates for not updating for ages <3


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