the death of thanos

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rocket: okay who here has never been to space before

ruby, steve, nat, and rhodey raise ther hands while carol and nova smile and laugh

rocket: okay you better not puke on my ship

they then get to the garden, but before carol can get off the shil ruby uses her sembalence and jumps off the ship and lands on the garden 

meanwhile on the garden of hope, we see y/n picking some space papiyas to make 

y/n: this should be enough

thanos then gets in his house to work on his soup to see to his surprise, ruby sitting across his flames

y/n: ruby what are you doing here

ruby: I came to talk

y/n: about what

ruby: where did the old you go

y/n: dead he is long gone

he activates his sembalence, what is he doing

y/n: but I relized the mistakes I made

ruby: you killed so many

y/n: I relized that, I want to fix it, but I'm too late

ruby: were are the stones y/n

y/n: the stones are-

y/n gets blasted by carols beam and then gets strangeld by carol and nova, bruce then grabs thanos's right hand, and thor cuts off his left arm with storm breaker


ruby: NO STOP!

cap and nat then walk in, rocket checks the gaunlet

rocket: uhh guys, the stones are gone

steve: where are the stones

y/n: gone, destroyed, no more

nat: but you used them 2 days ago

y/n: I used the stones to destroy the stones

rhodey: h-h-he's got to be lying we got to check the house

nebula: my father is many things, but he is not a lyier

y/n: ahhh thank you daughter maybe I should have treated you better-

thor then cuts y/n's head off, his head rolls towards nebula

nebula: ew

nebula then takes a knee to close his eye lids

rocket: what did you do?

ruby: y/n

thor: .... I went for the head

the end......... 5 years later

y/n: thanks again ruby for accepting me back

ruby: no problem hopfully steve accepts you

nat: he will

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