morgan stark

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y/n: do I come out now

tony: so he is here too

y/n: hey tony

tony: take a seat and y/n get lost

y/n: look I know you still hate me

tony: no I hate Rodgers more than you, I just don't want than-

y/n: Please don't call me that, just call that guy "him"

tony: I respect you a little but that doesn't mean I like you and we are all buddy buddy

reed: look stark, we need your help

scott: we are using quantom physics to undo the snap

tony: yeah but it's imposible

scott: I did it

tony: NO, you got lucky tic tac!

steve: look tony, we need your help

tony: well find someone else because I ain't helping unless he -points at y/n- is dead

y/n: my sembalence won't let that happen

tony: then it will never happen, I got the life I wanted, I got a kid too, I'm not just gonna lay my life down and get killed, now if you don't mind good day

nat: tony we get it you have the life you wanted, but what about everyone else, they lost someone, what about parker

the door opens

morgan: mommy told me to come save you

tony: well consider me saved

while morgan wasn't looking tony flipped off y/n

y/n: well who can help us now


y/n: so were cool now

prof.hulk: you got it little man

reed: this is just not scientificly possible

y/n: says you membrane

scott: I love invader zim

prof.hulk: I get it this is wired but look at me, i'm wering shirts as the hulk, 

y/n: so what does this mean

prof.hulk: it means that I combined the brains and the brawn, after y/n deafeted us all i went back to the gamma lab and thought maybe i should combine banner and hulk, now look at me i am perfect

kid: exscuse me, can we get  picture

prof.hulk: why sure you can little man, scott can you take a picture

scott: sure

prof.hulk: say green

prof.hulk and three kids: greeeeen

he takes the picture

scott: anyone want a picture with me, i'm antman

kid: no thanks

prof.hulk: come on take a picture with him

scott: nevermind it was stupid, just take the phone

prof.hulk: he would take a picture right

the little kid shakes his head no

scott: see he is saying no, just take the phone

little kid: i'll take a picture

scott: take the god damn phone

the kid takes the phone back

prof.hulk: bye kids, respect your parents, dab

he does a bad dab

nat: so you'll help

prof.hulk: sure

y/n: thanks bruce

timeskip to stark inn

tony: you done

morgan: yeah

tony: not to make it a competion but she love me 3000, your in the lower 293

pepper: oh

tony: so what are you reading

pepper: a book anout composting

tony: whats new with composting

pepper: nothing new bu-

tony: I solved it

pepper: just so we're talking about the same thing

tony: time travel, going back to the headquarters tommarow to report

pepper: but what about thanos

tony: he likes to be called y/n, and I relized that he wasn't in control of his emotions or his actions, and I miss the kid

pepper: shit, you can do this tony

tony: I know I can, but I need to make a message

to be countinued

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