forgivness and acceptness

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the world now bleak, we go to a group meeting of what do we do now

guy: so I went on a date last night

Steve: really

guy: yeah

Steve: tell us how it went

guy: well we went to a restruaunt, I had no clue what to talk about and it got silent, then we talked about the same old crap, how things have change, how much we miss the mets, then it gone silent, then he started crying when the appitizers came

girl: and you

guy: I cryed when the desserts came

Steve: well it took guts, but you did it, and if we had failed, maybe thanos should have snaped us all away, thanks for your time

they then leave

y/n: so you run a group now steve

steve then gets his wakandian sheilds

y/n: calm down steve, i'm me not "him" I come to seek forgivness

Steve: explain how you are alive

y/n: my sembalence will let me clone my self with the knowledge of my last self, my last life up until I discovered him was my favorite because I finally meet my true love, then he came and killed her

thanos: I can hear you, I felt the same but it had to be done

y/n: he is still alive but under lock and seal, my others sembalence is all about adaption, takes one person 10 mounths to learn a language like I don't know Spanish, it took me 10 seconds to speak and understand all of it

Steve: so than- I mean "he" is locked up under locks and chains?

y/n: he is not coming out soon, but I met 2 "things" who claims to know you

a black sludge and a platinum/ silver sludge then come out of y/n's body

y/n: them, their-

venom: I am venom

riot: and I am riot

y/n: their parasites


(read we are no hero by @ICANREAD265 to understand the easter egg)

Steve: so their aliens

venom: yes we are

y/n: I told them they can live with me until we find a way to bring back their old host

steve: well lets go home

y/n: home?

Steve: avengers hq

meanwhile at a storage facuility we see a rat at the same van used to send scott lang to the quantom realm, the rat then activates the portal and out came scott and... jaune?

jaune: ow

jaune gets up and scotts antman suit starts to spark, he puts out the sparks

scott: where are we?

jaune: I have no clue

cut to security guard eating a donut ( I know in the movie he is a guy, but he is played by a girl, mewtwo told me to say that before he turned to dust) he then sees scott holding a help sign while jaune does a help us pose, they then get let out, timeskip to main street where scott and jaune look at missing posters

jaune: what happened?

scott: I don't know?

a kid on his bike then strolls by scott and jaune

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