Chapter 2

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After dropping Jane off at her rally, Jack and the children cycled on towards the house of Micheal Banks. It was a chilly day so the children huddled close to each other on the back of the bicycle. As they rode onto Cherry Tree Lane they saw Georgie Banks taking out the garbage.

"Hello Georgie!" The children cheered excitedly.

"Hi kids! Hello uncle Jack." Georgie beamed. He was now 16 years old and the only one of Micheal's children still living at the house. He missed his siblings a lot of course, but he found it rather fun not to be the little one anymore.

"How are you this fine morning, Georgie?" Jack asked, slowing to a halt in front of number 17.

"Quite alright, thank you. What about you all? I see aunt Jane couldn't make it." Georgie said.

"We're alright. Jane has a rally right now, but she'll be joining us for lunch later on." Jack said.

"Great! You go on ahead, I'll just finish this and be right behind you." Georgie said, gesturing to the front door.

Jack nodded. The children jumped off and Jack parked the bicycle at it's usual spot. The children ran up to the front door and knocked. It was opened by Ellen (still loyally working for the Banks family, even though it gets harder for her every day.)

"Oh hello children! Come in, come in! You too Jack." Ellen said, waving them all in.

"Thank you Ellen." Jack said and gave her a quick hug.

Micheal came running down the stairs, hearing the commotion, and welcomed his family.

"Welcome back everyone! It's been a while." He laughed giving everyone a hug.

"We're glad to be back, aren't we kids?" Jack smiled. The children nodded happily and basically stormed upon Georgie as he reentered the house.

Georgie laughed and took the children upstairs, already in the middle of a story.

"No Jane today?" Micheal asked as they were both seated in the parlor.

"She had a rally, unfortunately. But she'll be joining us for lunch later on. At least she said so, you never know when Jane might show up." Jack joked and Micheal laughed.

"True, very true. Shows up at the most random moments that one." He chuckled.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"Hey, Jack... How have you been?" Micheal finally asked.

"What do you mean?" Jack responded, instantly feeling a bit defensive. He didn't know why though.

"You know, it's been a year since you've been back. How are you holding up?" Micheal asked.

Jack didn't say anything.

"I trust Jane has spoilt you way too much." Micheal tried and grinned, and Jack let out a nervous chuckle.

"She's been the best. She's always there when I need her and I couldn't wish for a sweeter wife." Jack said, truthfully.

Micheal smiled.

"She's had a hard time while you were gone. I never once saw her 'real' smile during those 5 years. The smile she wears when she's around you." He said, placing a hand on Jack's shoulder.

Jack sighed in understanding but didn't say anything.

"How about the children? Have they been giving you all the hugs you deserve?" Micheal laughed.

"Yes... Katie and Bert for sure, but Winnie is still a bit hesitant..." Jack's voice got caught in his throat. Micheal noticed and realized this wasn't a topic Jack wanted to talk about.

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