memories (chapter 2)

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Bella's POV
I was it like a psychic ghost power thing? Like I'm the planet still, in a come but my human half came and roams my planet form! Is this even possible. I floated around glowing. Sigh. I sat on the tree branch and closed my eyes for about 2 minutes before I heard voices. Oh shoot. I opened my eyes and hid behind the tree. It's been so long since I've socialized with human life. I waited till I see travelers, but they look different. Like flags on their faces- oh wait, countryhumans. I eased dropped on their conversation. "Okay, Keine Ahnung, Whats next?" I heard a german voice. And Another, american Voice. "I don't know, but I think Pana wanted to meet us here." I watched and for some dumb reason, a funny thought went through my head and made me giggle. I held my mouth with my hands cupped. I heard silence. I was confused. I looked to see one standing there confused. I turn and- "AHH" I jumped and I revealed myself to both of them. "Who are you!" the star flagged human says. "I'm Bella, Crystalx1 Bella the planet." I answered as I started to float and glow. The star country human eyes widened. "B-but how?" she looked confused. "I fell in a coma and I guess my human spirit splitted to travel on myself. I'm still the planet, it's just, it's difficult to explain." I answered. "I'm Avian and that is Gana" Avian pointed at Gana who gently waved. "Do you wanna come with us till you get back out of your huma ghost state?" Avian asks. "Um, sure" I replied. Avian smiled "We are meeting a friend, wanna tag along?" Avian asks, "I guess, since I really don't know much here." I responded looking around. I've followed the two countryhumans to a smaller countryhuman. "Pana!" Avian says loudly which made Pana jump and look and smiled, but it faded when she saw me. "Who's that?" Pana asks. Avian explained the whole thing and yea. We hanged out, ate a sandwich and played a few games. Afterwards we went to the two cars. Pana headed to one and Gana and Avian headed to the other. "Come Bella, wanna stay with us till then?" Avian asked. "Oh yes please." I answered. "Well get in the car then." Avian says back. I get in and Avian started the car and we drove off. We dropped Gana off at her place, and me and Avian went to hers. We walked in and I saw the states of Avian. "Ma? Who's that" a triangle shape on a flag state asks,"well Kakitan, that's a friend, she's staying till she heads back home." Avian answers while shutting the door and locking it.

Avian's POV
As I locked the door with the new guest, I had a memory that popped up in my head. It made my stomach turn. I felt guilt swirl inside.

\Warning! Blood!/
??? Pov
Crisim (evil Avian) grabbed me and took me to her house. I struggled. She threw me on the ground. She stood there and the slowely closed the door smirking. She closed the door and locked it and looked at me and walked towards me. "P-please don't Crisim" I pleaded as Crisim pulled out a gun. "Mine now" Crisim says in a creepy tone. She shot my leg blood spilled all over and Crisim started to make her way to me. She grabbed my leg and started to eat me! I screamed only to be ducked tape. Blood was scattered all over the carpet, Crisim went over board and started stripping my clothes off. I cried and cried. I felt my body shut down. My eye lids felt heavy. I knew I couldn't get out. Iet my self close my eyes and fade.

Avian's POV
I shook the thought out of my head and decided to show Bella her room. I went down stairs and watched tv just to get my mind of of things. After some time I got up and made pancakes to eat. When I was done I heard familiar voices outside. I walked to the window but see no one. Hmm, maybe it's youtube that one of the states are on. I walked away till I heard a scream directly from outside. I frozed frightened. I went to look but opened the door. To. See. Nothing! I felt something go by sending chills down my spine. "H-hello?" I said out loud. I waited until I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I looked to see my dead friend. A dead country, that died somewhat ago.

Avian's POV
I walked to dad who was on his phone. I got his attention and he picked me up smiling. "Aww, how's my little bun doing?" My dada says. "No" I blurted out thing no meant yes. "What, what's the matter then little Avian" He says rasing his eyebrows. "Look" I pointed at Area 51. "Heh, yes I see, and no we can't go in there. It's not safe" He says. He sat me down wich I didn't want. I was about to cry when I saw this country that was small as me. She looked new. I waddled on over till my dad picked me up. "Where do you think you're going" I giggled. "Girl" I pointed at the new country. Dada turned his head and his eye widened. His expression turned dark. "We have to leave." Dad mumbled. "What?" The girl notice us and stood there but looked at me mostly and smiled and waved. Dad turned away and walked off. "Dada, what's wrong" I said. "N-nothing sweetie" Dada rubbed his eyes as his sun glasses moved. Three days later I see the girl I saw some days ago. Dada was on his phone while I drew. I got up anf started walking off the stairs. "Avian? What are you doing?" My dada asked and when he looked up he frozed. "Avian..." Dada got up and headed towards me. I didn't understand. I decided to find out. I ran to the girl who stares but smiled. "AVIAN NO, GET BACK HERE" Dada yelled. I didn't listen. I got infront of the girl. "Hi" I said. "Здравствуйте" The girls says, I didn't under stand until she spoke again "hello, sorry" she smiled. "It's okay" I replied. "What's your name?" I asked. " Vanessan, you must be Avian since your name was screamed" Vanessan says. "Wanna be friends?" "Sure." My dada came and picked me up. "Avian, no, you can't be friends with her" Dada says making me sad. I thought bht I decided to take a stance. "No" I cleared my throat. I saw my dada was upset and frustrated and stressed. "Dada?" I said as he held me. I saw tears go down his cheek. Strange, he doesn't cry around me. He hugged me. "Mr. America." Vanessan says getting Dada's attention. He stared at the girl for sometime and finally said something. "Why don't you run along-" BANG. I jumped as I stared in horror as my dad's sunglasses almost fell off. I stared there, emotionless. I saw the fear in her eyes, but her face went blank. Red stuff came out of her mouth and eyes. It stained her clothes. She wasn't breathing. The red was everywhere. I looked up to see a much older country. He stood there. His gun pointing at the girl that was my new best friend, was now gone. The older country looked at us. I heard my dada curse under his breath. I then felt my self being ran to the door. My dada got us in and ducked when the gun was fired. My dada closed the door and locked it and the windows and other doors. He took me to a room and hid me and told me to be quiet and keep hidden. I nodded terrified and confused. My dada hugged me and kissed my head. He walned out and locked the door. I was lost. I felt scared. My friend is gone, I'm scared my dada will be gone too. I heard my dada talk. After awhile I heard sirens from a far diatance. I then heard gun shots stuff being hit or thrown. I closed my eyes waiting for this to be over. I prayed silently wishing for this to all stop. After that I heard silence. And the door to the room I was in unlocked. I frozed unsure if it's my dada or not. The door opened. I peaked to see dada there all beat up. I jump out and ran in his arms. He dropped to his knees and hugged me. "I'll never let them hurt you" I heard my dada say. The police sirens got here and everything was taken care of. My dada went to the doctors to check for broken bones. While I waited. After a while, he came out with a boot like thing on his right leg he held my hand and uncle Canada drove us here, so
He took us home. The house was being cleaned and replaced because things were broken. I sat on the couch while dada turned on the tv.

////End of flashback\\\\

Avian's POV
I came back to reality to see her gone. I shook my head and headed inside and closed the door behind me. I saw Bella on the couch looking bored. "Bored?" I said as she looked at me. "Yea" she replies. "Wanna watch some netflix?" I asked. "Um, sure." Bella answers. I walked over and grabbed the remote and turne on netflix and turned on stranger things to watch. While me and Bella were watching Stranger Things, my phone buzzed so I picked it up and I turned it on and saw a text message, I read it, and I didn't expect to see what I saw.

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