Thorny blossom

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The ungrateful - insolent - worthless jerk!” Soo grits her teeth as she tries to calm herself. Losing her temper was a rare occasion for her, she is normally rather unaffected by people around her. Letting some steam off by taking a walk through the deserted roof garden she joins the party with a fake smile plastered on her face - her thoughts hardly in any order than they were before.

However her smile vanishes the moment she notices Wook.

“Aha here comes my Soo! My one and only!” He says in a sing song voice. His nose is red and eyes are drooping. Beside him an equally wasted Yo raises his glass to welcome her.

“I’d like to introduce you to my one and only too - but I lost her in the crowd.” He drawls on, his eyes searching the crowd for Yeon Hwa who was indeed nowhere to be seen.

“She went home,” Wook nods happily, “Said her mood was ruined.”

The stream of guests has thinned out the handful of old men left are surrounding the assemblymen Hwang, talking about bills and latest battles of the political arena. Yo mumbles something disappointing and drains his glass before standing up and striding towards the staircase leading to upper levels. Soo sighs.

“I guess you’ll have to spend the night home,” she says, patting Wook on his cheek. He smiles at her, rubbing his cheek against her palm. “You are in no state to drive. Do you want me to help you go up?”

“Soo - ya,” he coos putting his arms around her neck. As he sits on the bar stool, they are at the equal height and she could smell alcohol in his breath. “Stay the night?”

“I have a curfew Wook - you know that.” Soo says hesitantly, wondering how her voice could sound so steady when her heart was thundering against her ribs. She regrets the words immediately and reaches into plant a kiss on his cheek.

Wook rolls his eyes, like a petulant child.

“Oh come on - you live alone!”

“I live with Chae Ryung most of the time…”

“And she won’t tell a soul -”

“Wook -!” She does not intend to, but the word sound threateningly harsh that Soo holds her breath for a moment before remembering her aunt was not around to admonish un - ladylike speech. The rest of Wook’s words die out into an inaudible hum. He looks at her with slightly narrowed eyes. “I don’t stay the night out. We’ve talked about this before.”

There is a pause in which she wonders if she had gone too far, but the creases on Wook’s forehead vanish after a moment. He takes her hand in his and presses his lips to her knuckles.

“Anything for you,” his words vibrates against the sensitive skin on the back of her palm and Soo exhales slowly trying to step on the guilt that blossoms in the pit of her stomach. “Forgive me.”
She snatches her hand back so quickly as if his touch burned on her skin. Trying to catch her breath and rationality at the same time Soo turns around hurriedly.

“I need to get going - it’s already too late. Sleep well, good night!” She rattles fast as she makes her escape even faster.

On bad days - things go nowhere but from bad to worse. Soo stumps the ground in frustration before glaring at the peaceful stars blinking over the parking lot. It is mostly packed yet. She had called the replacement driver who was taking forever to come. She utilizes the time to curse Yeon Hwa for leaving early without giving her a chance to pitch in a ride with her - not that she particularly enjoyed riding with that haughty creature but anything was better than wasting her time in a packed parking lot. Perhaps one of these fine days, before she is pushed into an engagement herself she would learn how to drive. Soo resolves just as a loud honking makes her jump out of her skin.

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