Queen of swords

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She had been blind. Yoo Myung Sung realizes too late. Blind to too many mistakes - too many betrayals. Blinded willfully by the love she had nurtured so long for her first born. She did not see him holding his own cards, until the trick was laid out on the table.

She sees it clearly during the cross examination of Woo Hee, after Hwang Shik Ryom had lead her beautifully through the direct, eliciting from her each and every gruesome detail of the attack she had faced. The atmosphere in the court room is dark, palpable with tension and repressed disgust.  

“Well, we may never know what the accused tried to obtain reducing such despicable means - but his actions speaks for themselves and his violent disposition. Your witness, counsel.”

It is then that the cross begins.

“I’m sorry about your gruesome experience Miss Kim,” says senior Hwang. “I will not bother you much, just two things I’d like you to clarify for me - with court’s permission. I’d like to know how you survived the attack.”

Shik Ryom shuffles his papers, looking for Woo Hee’s statement, frowning as Woo Hee answers, her voice slightly shaky when she recounts the intervention of the pet  dog.

“The dog bit the attacker?”


The defence marks the omission before putting up another question.

“Could you describe the injury?”

And she does, to the horror of Myung Sung, for she knows exactly where she had seen a similar injury.

“Thank you Miss Kim,” Senior Hwang’s tone is warm. “Let me repeat to you one of the questions put to you by the prosecution, now that we’ve established that.Do you see the man who attacked you in court, today? I believe it is one and the same thing to ask, do you see the man who was bitten by the dog that day?”

There is a pause - and a faint murmur cross the hall.

“No.” Says Woo Hee. “He is not here.”

“Your honor please, defence would like to point out that the accused has sustained no injury as the witness has described.”

“Wook -” mutters Shik Ryom, forgetting for a moment that Yo is within earshot. “The bastard planned it!” Senior Hwang continues to address the court.

“However, if Miss Kim is certain in her identification as the prosecution had established that she is, a likely conclusion could be drawn that the attacker did have the appearance of the accused and a tendency towards violent behavior where obstructed.” He says briskly. “As the learned counsel for the prosecution had submitted - who could look like the accused but the accused himself…but in this particular instance do we not know of another person who has a similar - that is to say the exact same appearance as the accused? Could it not be that an innocent is indeed being framed for deeds not done by him as the prosecution had eloquently put - but that prosecution is wrong in choosing who is who? Miss Kim, the other thing, if you would let the court know how did the attacker enter your premises?”

Woo Hee swallows.

“He was already there - when I entered.”

“Waiting for you?”

“No - he was searching for something.”

“Did he - during the course of events, ask you about this particular thing he was searching for?”


“Does anything occurs to you that could be of value - if you ever deliberated on it?”

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