Tough love

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Tionne's Pov

I just got home from that dumb ass party, I waisted my time going to that party, I should have just went to the restaurant with Lisa, and dalvin, when I see his ass, I'm gonna punch him in his fuckin face, he disappeared on me a hour after we got to the party, I'm never going to a party with him again.

I unlocked the door to my house and went straight upstairs to my room and I layed down, after a while, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Lisa's Pov

I tried... I tried to talk to tionne about it before he came back, but now I don't have any advice about the situation, he paged me, and he called me, telling me to come over his house, and I don't know why, but I went.

When I got there I knocked on the door, and he answered, he had on no shirt, but he had on some sweat pants, and when I looked up at him, he was smirking at me.

"Hey baby, glad you came." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want and why you keep paging and calling me?  I have somewhere to be." I said.

His smirk vanished and he started glaring at me.

"Who you think you talkin to like that?" He asked angrily.

"Nigga I'm talkin to you, now like I said, what you want, cause I have somewhere to be!!" I yelled at him.

He got a dark look on his face.

"You going to see another nigga ain't you." He said calmly while walking towards me.

"What the fuck are you talking about! I have rehearsals!!" I said while backing up away from him.

"Don't fuckin lie to me!!" He yelled while quickly reaching out, grabbing my arm and yanking me to him.

"I'm not lying!! Now let me go, your fuckin hurting me!!" I screamed at him.

"You think this hurt? Well you ain't seen nothing yet." He said as he dragged me into his house and he closed the door.

"Stop!! Stop!! You said you wouldn't do this again!! You promised!!" I screamed at him.

" Shut up!! Shut the fuck up!!" He yelled at me, and he slapped me so hard that I fell to the ground.

My face was stinging, I was crying so hard, I wish that I never met him, I can't believe I fell in love with this asshole, I hate him, I shouldn't have even come over here.

He started walking towards me and he tried to grab me but I kicked him in his private part, he bent over, grabbed his private part yelling in pain, I stood up and kicked him in his face, he fell to the ground holding his face, and I turned around and opened the door and ran out, the cold air hit my my face, making my cheek sting more, tears stung my eyes. I kept running, until I eventually got tired, I kept walking until came across a hotel. I check into that hotel and I stayed their for the rest of the week, just sitting there, I slept and ate a little, but I mostly just stared at the wall, it's like I'm forgetting who I am.


I've been in this hotel for almost two weeks, we have a show tomorrow so I know I have to go back, I'm not worried about not practicing, I've did the routine so many times, I could do it in my sleep. I'm just about to go to sleep early so I can wake up and go to our last rehearsal before the show.

I hopped in the shower, when I was finished bathing, I got out and put on some sleeping clothes, I hopped in my bed and instantly fell asleep.



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