What's wrong with lisa?

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Tionne's Pov

I'm getting worried, I haven't seen Lisa in almost two weeks, is she really that mad at me? Today is the day of the show, pebbles has been flipping out all week because of the absence of Lisa.

Right now we are in the dance studio, practicing until the show. I heard the door open, so I looked over and saw Lisa walk in, I immediately stop dancing and ran over to her, I was about to ask her where she's been, but pebbles beat me to it.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She yelled. "You knew we had a damn show today, do you want to be replaced, because I will replace your ass, quick, fast, and in a hurry, don't play with me!!!" She continued to yell.

Lisa looked at her the whole time with a blank face, not bothered by pebbles yelling at all. When pebbles was done with throwing her temper tantrum, Lisa walked over to her spot, so I walked over to mine, pebbles played the music and we did our routine, Lisa got all the moves right, but it's like she was a zombie, she wasn't her usual goofy, free spirited self.

We practiced more until we felt like we perfected it, right now, we were finishing up our hair and make up, which was hardly any makeup at all, When we were finished, I went over to Lisa, she sat in her chair with a blank look on her face.

"Lisa?" I said.

She didn't respond.

"Lisa?" I said a little louder.

She turned and looked up at me with that same blank look in her eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked concerned.

She nodded her head and looked back down.

I lifted her head back up so that she could look me in the eyes.

"Lisa, I know you, and I know that your not ok, now what wrong?" I asked.

"Its time to perform." She got up out her seat and walked over to the stairs that lead to the stage.

I sighed and walked over to the stairs also.

The host of the show called us out, our music started, and we went out doing our thing, Lisa even sounded like her old self.


After the show, we all talked about how good we think we did, when all of a sudden, dallas, dalvin, and andre came in the door, Lisa suddenly went quite and that blank face she had on earlier, was there again.

Andre walked over and hugged Lisa.

"How you doin baby?"He asked her.

"I'm fine." She replied back blankly.

" Aye you want to come over my house today?" He asked.

" Sorry, me, Ro, and tionne has plans today." She said blankly.

"Aww but baby, we never spend time together anymore." He said while hugging her, it looks like he was hugging her a little to tight.

"Get the fuck off of me." Lisa said while trying to push him off of her.

He stopped hugging her, but her grasped her upper arm tightly and he got in her face.

" I told you about fuckin talkin to me like that, you better watch yo damn mouth." He said angrily.

"And you better get yo hands the fuck off of her, before you get fucked up." I said while walking over to them and pushed him off of Lisa. "I think it's time that you leave, and don't fuckin come back!" I yelled at him.

He glared at me then he glared at Lisa, and he left.

I turned around to Lisa.

"Lisa, what was that all about?" I asked concerned.

"Its nothing." She said as she looked away from me.

I turned her head back around to face me.

"It is something, the way he was grabbing on you, does he do this regularly?" I asked.

She turned away again.

The wheels started turning in my head, and I gasped.

I turned her around to face me and I held her head in my hands, I saw tears in her eyes.

"Lisa... does he- does he hit you?"I asked.



Forever and Always: Sequel to ooooohhhhhhhh... on the TLC tip.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن