Count on me through thick and thin

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Tionne's Pov

"Lisa... does he- does he hit you?" I asked.

Tears started streaming down her face, I put my hand over my mouth and stared at her, taking her silence as a yes. I pulled her into a tight hug and she put her head in the crook of my neck and she cried her heart out. We slowly slid to the ground while she continued to cry, and I wrapped my arms tighter around her.

"Why didn't you tell me, you know you can tell me anything Lisa." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

" I -I tried to...  I tried to tell you before he came back from his trip, but you went to that party. " She said while looking up at me and sniffing.

I hugged her to me again.

"Lisa I'm so sorry, I feel horrible, I should have went with you instead of to that stupid ass party. " I said to her.

"It's ok Tee, you know now, and now I don't have to deal with this alone." She said while looking at me and smiling a little.

I smiled back.

"Exactly, cause you know you can always count on me, through thick and thin." I said.

She smiled a real smile and we did our secret handshake, when we were done with our handshake, we got up off of the floor, next thing you know we hear a male scream, and Ro busted in the studio doors, she had a dark look on her face, with her hand gripping Andre's hair, he kept trying to pry her hands off of his head but she gripped harder. Ro brought him to the center of the dance studio and threw him down, then she went over to one of the cabinets and got out a plastic bat.

"You wanna put your fuckin hands on my sister?! " She screamed at him.

She walked over to him with the bat in her hands and begin wacking him in the head with it, over and over and over again.

"Do you enjoy this,  being hit over and over?!" She screamed at him. "Do you fuckin enjoy this?!" She screamed as she threw the bat down and started stomping his head.

"Ro!  Rozanda stop!" I yelled as I ran over to her, grabbing her away from him so she won't kill him.

"Let me go tionne, he put his hands on lisa, I will fuckin kill him!!" She yelled while trying to get out of my hold.

"I know your angry, I am too,  I love Lisa just as much as you do, but this isn't the right way to handle this, you can't stomp him in the head, you gotta punch that bitch in the face. " I said as I ran over to Andre who had just stood up and punched him right in the jaw, making him fall again.

"You bitch ass nigga, don't you ever put yo hands on my girl again!" I yelled as I grabbed the plastic bat and begin to beat him with it.  "Now get the fuck out and don't come back!" I said as I continued to beat him with the bat.

He got up and ran out the studio.

I walked over to Lisa and grabbed her face and kissed her with so much love and passion, and I felt her kiss back. I broke the kiss and hugged her tightly to my body.

"T-tionne, wha- "

I cut her off by kissing her again,  when we broke the kiss,  I stared into her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize it before, but I do want to be with you Lisa, I was just scared that I was gonna get hurt again,  but I know you won't hurt me." I said as I grabbed her hands. "Lisa, I'm in love with you, and I want you to be mine, I'm so sorry it took you getting hurt for me to see that, so Lisa Nichol Lopes, would you consider being my girl." I asked.

She smiled at me and grabbed my face and kissed me, then she broke the kiss and looked at me.

"If course I will tionne, but don't you have a boyfriend?" Lisa asked while pointing back to where dalvin and dallas were standing.

I forgot that they were standing there, they were so quiet during the whole fight, I thought they been left. I can't believe they didn't help fuck Andre up for beating on Lisa, shows how much they care.

I walked over to dalvin, who had his arms crossed.

"So this is it, your gonna leave me for her?" He asked while pointing at himself then at Lisa.

I looked back Lisa, and smiled, and she smiled back, then I looked back at dalvin.

"Yes, yes I am." I said.

"How could you just leave me tionne, out of all the stuff we been through, and you know I love y-"

I cut him off by slapping him hard in the face.

"Don't you dare say you love me! Do you think I'm stupid?! Did you actually think that I didn't know about yo sideline bitches?! I've been done with you, I just needed the extra boost to break up with yo dumb ass, because unlike you, I actually did have feelings for you,  and I actually did love you,  but now,  you can do whatever you want, with whatever dumb bitch that's gonna do it with you, cause I'm done, and now. " I said as I walked over to the studio doors and opened them. "You can leave." I said while smiling.

He glared at me and walked over to the door.

"You gone come back, they always come back to me." He said.

"I don't know who "they" is, but I'm not coming back to you, because I have something so much better." I said while looking back at Lisa,  and she smiled at me and I smiled back,  then I turned back around to dalvin and opened the door wider. "Now you can get to steppin." I said.

He glared at me one more time and he left,  I let the door close and I turned around and next thing you know, Lisa jumps in my arms and starts kissing me, and I kiss her back.

"I love you tee." She said after she broke the kiss.

"I love you too Lisa." I said back smiling.

This is the end of the chapter and I hope you guys like it,  and please comment and vote...

But until next time...


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