Finding out the truth.

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Negan narrowed his eyes, but he let her go. She'll be back, they always come back. Was what he told himself, he was so sure of it. So grinning, he swung Lucille around and walked back to his men who were waiting for him. Waiting for his orders.

"Alright you sorry fucks.." he chuckled, leaning his body to the side slightly. "I'll be back in Two Week. And you Better have my shit ready, or else you won't like the consequences."

With that he walked off, his men carrying things that they wanted out with them.

No one from The Kingdom moved or tried to stop The Saviors. They knew what would happen if they did. They lost someone already, another was hit with a bat. But everyone looked at Scarlett with an uneasiness. She knew this maniac. The madman who didn't think twice in storming in here and demanding their things. Yet the way she spoke to him. Well, it made the people of The Kingdom feel sketchy about the blonde doctor.

They wondered if they could actually trust her. If the way she carried herself was just a show. What was her relation to this mad man?

Questions they would never get an answer to, for many people knew that the blonde was close to Ezekiel. So they wouldn't dare question her.

The two weeks went by slowly, people doing more and more to gather things up. Putting them in crates and making sure it would be enough. But would it be? Would Negan want more?

Scarlett sat on the floor of the daycare with her daughter on her lap

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Scarlett sat on the floor of the daycare with her daughter on her lap. Cradling the small six-month-old, hushing her and trying to get the child to sleep. But the fussy child wasn't having it. She didn't want to sleep, she was crying and was slowly getting warmer. The signs of a cold were all there. Scaring Scarlett, medicine for infants were something they didn't come by very often. It was rare.

So kissing the crying baby on her warm forehead, Scarlett laid Maggie's head on her chest and walked out of the room. Heading outside, she froze. Seeing him standing by the gates with his men. They were checking out the crates packed with stuff.

Turning around as soon as his head lifted so he could only see her back. Scarlett cursed under her breath.

 Scarlett cursed under her breath

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"Ah.. sweet, sweet Scarlett. Not gonna say hello to your pal?" Negans taunting voice called out, wanting to get a reaction from the girl as he bit down on his bottom lip.

But when she remained quiet and simply hurried away, Negan KNEW something was up.

So demanding that Simon keep guard and make sure no one tired to do anything. Negan walked after the blonde that bad left his sight in a hurry. Curious as to what she was hiding.

Finding her in some room that looked like it was turned into some infirmary, Negan let out a whistle. Looking around he took a step inside. "Hiding from me are we?" But the sound of a babies whimper caused him to stop.

"The fuck is that?" He asked, eyes slightly narrowed. Eyebrows furrowed together, not in anger or annoyance. No, it was out of confusion. Had he heard correctly? A fucking baby?

"The hell do you think it is?" Scarlett bit back, not in the mood, she had tried to ignore the older man. But, that obviously didn't work.

"Shit.. you moved on pretty fucking fast huh.. went and got yourself a fucking kid?" Negan accused, that alone caused Scarlett to turn on her heel.

"Sure, let's go with that.." She shrugged, wanting to tell the man that the little girl was his. Maybe that would make him speechless. It might start raining if he did become speechless, but shit, they could use the rainwater.

As she turned her back to the man once again, pressing a damp cloth onto the babies body. Cooling the poor thing off, a frown on Scarlett's face, watching her little girl whine and pout.

She heard the boots hitting the floor with each step, she could practically feel him as he stood behind her. "Cute kid, the daddy still around?" Negan asked, voice low as he spoke next to her ear. Causing a shiver to run down her spine.

"Yeah.. asshole still up and kicking. Demanding half of my people's stuff as well." She said, trying to ignore just how close he was. She could smell his musk mixed with cigarette smoke and gasoline.

"What.. who.." he started and took a step back. "Who the fuck are you talking about darling?" Negan demanded, not sure if he had heard her right. Clearly, she didn't just tell him that.. that child was his.

She had to be playing some cruel joke on him.

"Who? who? What are you, a fucking owl?" She snapped, rolling her eyes and picking Maggie up, Scarlett moved to grab the clothes she had brought along

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"Who? who? What are you, a fucking owl?" She snapped, rolling her eyes and picking Maggie up, Scarlett moved to grab the clothes she had brought along. "You heard me correctly. She's yours. She's around six months already." Scarlett added, not looking up as she changed the small girl on the bed the patients usually used to lay in. Earning a smile from the baby as she got to look up at her mommy while being changed.

 Earning a smile from the baby as she got to look up at her mommy while being changed

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Negan just stood there, looking dumbfounded as he stared at the two girls. Not having expected that at all. Hell, he almost wished she had moved on. It would've made him having six fucking wives not seem that bad.


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So Negan now knows he's a daddy! Shit, I did not know how to write this chapter out. But I'm excited for the next one. His reaction to both the baby and the way Scarlett has been speaking to him. 😉 he Is Negan.. doesn't let No one talk to him like that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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