19. makeup

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Edited 11/2/21

A/N: The image above is what Ciera's wearing. If you can't see it I'll make sure to describe it in the chapter.

19. makeup


I was excited. I had never been to a live photoshoot. Celeste and Gabriel left this morning, but before they went Celeste promised to write me that letter of recommendation. The Chastain family was so kind to me. I didn't know what I did to deserve their loyalty.

It wasn't a long ride to the shoot but Rosalie somehow still managed to fall asleep. Clara was already there because she had taken up Theo on his offer to be an intern.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the result of staying up all night again. It was the norm for her.

When we entered I nearly didn't believe what I saw. There were different colored screens set up everywhere, people directing photos while the photographers take the pictures, and lots of models. I saw a girl who just got some elaborate updo walking away from the dressing rooms. This was amazing.

"Just to warn you," Theo whispered. "Genevieve's here. I have to take some photos with her today. I know you don't like her—"

"I don't," I finished for him. "But she's not a bad person." I knew that now. She just wanted to fix her friendship with Theo, and I honestly hoped she did.

The only true bitches in my life were my parents, Mila, and Destiny.

I saw Cameron walking toward us with his freshly cut hair. His curls didn't look unruly anymore. "You took my advice. I told you a haircut would make you look better," Rosalie nodded in approval.

"Yeah, thanks Rosie," he said, running his hand through his hair. "My dad wants you over there for the photos." He pointed behind him, and I could see André waving them over.

"Okay, thanks!" He looked longingly at her as her figure retreated. Aw, I felt so bad for him. It was so obvious that he liked her. He stared at where she went for a few more seconds before turning to Theo and me.

"Workers are waiting for you in dressing room eight."

"Thanks, you're the best Cam." He waved to me before leaving.

"Who does you dad find it easiest to work with?" I asked.

"Genevieve. No comparison. We're lucky he got sign her because there were so many agencies after her."

"I can see why. She's gorgeous."


"Anyway, do you know where Clara is?" He pointed to a door off to the side. I knocked on it before entering. Clara was putting her camera back in her case.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

She looked to me with a sad face. "She said I need some work but I have potential. Which is why she's letting me be her intern over all the others that came today!"

"What? That's amazing. You really had me worried there for a second."

"I can be a good actress."

"Ciera? Clara? Are you guys in there?" I turn to see—wait. Was that Nat?

"Your hair isn't pink anymore," Clara pouted.

"Yeah, I washed out the dye." She rubbed her slender fingers through it.

"It looks nice. You wanted us?"

"Oh right. Theo's done with hair and makeup, so he wanted to know if you wanted to watch his shoot."

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