Chapter 2: Akiyama

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Now, regardless of how he might appear to everyone around him, Akiyama was actually looking forward to his day. The day that he was finally released from prison on parole. He made sure to sort out his outfit to mislead the reporters gathered outside following his release. No one would have thought that an ex-con artist was going to be released while wearing a prison guard uniform.

As expected, none of the reporters realised who he was when he walked out and when he finally thought he would be left alone in some peace and quiet, and perhaps celebrate his new-found freedom at some bar; a psycho intercepted him.

Akiyama didn't think that any other word than a mentally-unwell patient is suitable to describe the man who kept on blabbering on about prison life, as if his only interest in life was to write a script about a gay prisoner.

All in all, when he was about to tell the man to 'fuck off and leave him alone' since no matter how well-mannered he was; there was always a limit. And the mentally-unkempt man crossed that limit long ago. But.... But... Can someone please explain to him the absorbidy of the current situation. Why was this man acting like he's fallen asleep. Was it possible for someone to fall asleep while standing and in the middle of speaking nonetheless?!

After taking a few minutes to comprehend and make sense of the situation, Akiyama concluded that either the man was actually mentally-ill and was pretending to be a narcoleptic patient or he was actually one. Though, it seemed that the first option was more likely.

Taking this as a chance to leave, Akiyama turned his heels to leave.

"...Another person attack me? Do I get some form of protection, like I don't a bodyguard or something?" The crazy man decided that was the moment to come back to life and casually resume the conversation once more.

"..." Akiyama honestly was at a loss for words, he was quite well known for his sharp mind and his tongue which is just as sharp, but even he doesn't know what to say in this situation.

"Hey! That's rude!" The unpredictable man grabbed Akiyama's shoulders and forced him to face the man once again.

"You can't just leave while I'm still talking! Geez, did no one teach you any social etiquettes?" If Akiyama could, he would have applauded the man in the face with a bat made of steel. But since prison life was something he did not wish to return to, he decided against it.

"Um... Can I ask you a question?" Akiyama took a deep breath and asked,

"Why are you so interested in prison life?" Since the man clearly appeared to be insane, Akiyama took it as his job to stop him from committing any crimes against humanity. The first step to becoming a first rate citizen once again.

"Huh? Ohhh do you want to know?" The man sighed and casually slang an arm over Akiyama's shoulder.

"Let's go to a cafe and talk; it's a long story... It's your treat, I mean prison officers have good salaries right?" Without giving Akiyama a chance to say anything at all, the man dragged Akiyama to the nearest cafe and ordered a latte along with a French croissant.

Sure Akiyama had enough money on him... But why should he be treating a total stranger that is radiating psychotic vibes? He had no appetite, and decided that he would just watch the man shove food down his throat barbarically. Though after a single glance he switched his target to someone else. It was repulsive. He might throw up from just watching him, and that won't be pretty.

His eyes wandered around the cafe. Its decors were simple at best. The menu had nothing special to it, and there seemed to be not many customers here even though it's supposed to be busy hour right now.

A man seated next to their table at the corner of the cafe; half hidden from view, caught his eye. His aura dictated his unapproachable nature, and seriously? A black coat? Something else then catches his eye - the flyer that he was holding. Now that he thinks back to it, wasn't the psycho man also waving the same flyer when he was sprouting prison fantasies? Akiyama was too dumbfounded at the time to piece one and one together and realise.

Trying as hard as possible to ignore the disgusting sight of the man gulping down food in front of him, he searched for the same poster. And as he thought; it was the same one as the man who's seated next to him was holding, as well as the one he was given on his release.

Wierd... Akiyama was fairly certain that on the way from prison to here, he didn't see a flyer that was the same as the one the three of them currently had. He hadn't had a chance to read over the flyer yet. This might be a good chance for him to see why he was given the same flyer as a mentally-ill patient, and an emo-looking man.

Reading over it once, Akiyama laughed silently. This game was made for him. He was arrested for swindling a major MLM company into bankruptcy. Something about this competition, screamed the same vibe as the previous pyramid scheme.

Should he? Before he could make a clear decision as to whether he should risk imprisonment again, the man in front of him seemed to have finished his food and asked,

"So... You wanted to know why I was curious about prison life right?" Time went on, and the man went over his life story in extreme detail, only explaining how he was falsely accused of crimes he didn't commit and now was on bail.

"Oh yea also. I got this flyer thing, and I wasn't sure if I should do it or not?" He passed the flyer over to Akiyama.

"I forgot to tell you, but I seem to have the same flyer as you. As well as that man over there." Akiyama pointed out to the emo-man beside them.

"OHHHH!!! This must be fate! Let's go say hi!" The man dragged a rather reluctant Akiyama towards the neighbouring table and sat themselves down naturally. This is going to be great.

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