Chapter 3: Levi

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It was raining outside. Dark, gloomy. There wasn't much about this coffee shop. Small and tucked away in a corner of the street. Unknown to those who don't live here. That was exactly how Levi Ackerman liked it. Peaceful and quiet. Of course there would be the occasional moments of busyness from the rush of college students frantically studying for their yearly exams. Sometimes he pondered about switching to another café a few streets down when that period occurs but somehow he would always end up where he started. At the front of the café. There wasn't anything particularly special about it. The beverages were mediocre and the interior design was the average wallpapers and pot plants found in other cafes, but to Levi, it felt like home. He didn't know when it started to become like this but he didn't mind it very much.

Draining the last bit of his black tea, Levi stared out the window watching as droplets of rain splattered across the transparent glass, sliding slowly downwards before disappearing out of sight. Sighing inwardly, he stared into the empty porcelain teacup in his hand, a slight frown appearing across his face as he tried to decipher the scattered tea leaves. He was never a believer of fortune tellers and found it in itself foolish that a person's future could be predicted by a few drenched piece of leftover tea leaves. However, like any other person, he still couldn't help himself but to study the leaves, holding onto a fool's wish that maybe, just maybe, he would be able to have a glimpse of his future and prepare himself for the misery that was to come.

After studying it for a few minutes, Levi eventually placed the cup back on its plate yet he couldn't let go of the chinaware. He stared at the difference of his hand compared right next to it. The cracked skin at his fingertips, nails chipped from his current job of working as a cleaner at an office building two bus stops away. Levi smiled bitterly at how much time has changed him physically and mentally from who he used to be who's hand was as smooth as the cup he just drank from having been sheltered from the unpleasant part of life. It's not like he didn't like his job. In fact he was lucky to be hired into an occupation where he was comfortable with as he already developed a hobby to clean beforehand. Yet he can't help but wonder if his life could have been much more different if the events of past could be altered. If his mum was still alive.

Patting his pockets, he took out a crumpled piece of paper. During his time cleaning one of the private offices, he discovered the flyer battered inside the paper bin as though it has been held many times before by someone. He didn't read it through properly but instincts told him to take it anyways. Now smoothing it out, he could read the words printed on it.

Do you want to play for money?

Intrigued Levi kept reading on, his heart clenched at the words that followed. Could this be it? Has fate finally hit him? Could he maybe be able to finally reach out and make his dream come true?

The rain has stopped by the time he finally lifted his head to glance out the window after rereading the flyer several times until he actually let the words truly sink in. Small but bright rays of sunlight began to shine through the grey clouds. Is this what people call Serendipity? A smile gradually made its way up onto his face as he stared outside, and for once after a long time he began to dream of his possible future.

Caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice two shadows slowly walking up to approach him.

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