Adam and Eve

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Hi chicklets. This story is, of course, about Adam and Eve, so I want to put out there that any person who is very religious, please don't be offended by what I'm writing. It's going to technically be the same story as the Bible, but at the same time with a dash of me. So don't hate, please, if something offends you. I don't mean to do it intentionally.

Here goes!

His eyes surveyed the nothing around Him, the emptiness eerie. 

He didn't like it.

Power crackled in His hands, and with a booming voice, He cried out, "Let there be light!" and a ball of flames appeared before him with a whoosh, the sphere growing in the infinite darkness.

Putting His hand out, the ball stopped growing, its orange/yellow flames licking at His hand, trying to get closer to their creator.

He studied the ball of flames, His mouth forming a word that ended up escaping. "Sun."

The fire brightened, its delight obvious for being named. "You are a Star, with the name of Sun. You are made a Ball of Fire, and your purpose is to keep those around you as warm and safe and healthy as possible. Do you understand?"

If the Sun had an actual head, it would have nodded eagerly, beaming in happiness at having a purpose in however long its life will be.

Next, He looked around, the light from Sun burning brightly and chasing the darkness away, but there was still nothing there.

Taking a deep breath, He blew warm air into her cradled hands, the moisture swarming and squirming as it became a little ball of water.

He liked balls, for some reason.

Knowing that Sun would end up evaporating all the water if it was too close, He swiftly flew away, not too far for the light to reach, but far enough that He could enlarge the small ball of water until Sun was only 1,300,000 times larger than it, and not 2,000,000,000. 

It was large enough that He had to expand Himself to be larger than what he named Earth so that he could create Life on it.

Earth was just a big ball of water, peaceful, and with very little ripples on its surface. But it was too blue, and as much as He liked and appreciated every color, He picked at his finger and got a tiny little piece of His skin, moulding it to become rock, and placed it on Earth, twitching his fingers every so often to alter how it was growing until a large, circular shaped piece of land settled, the parts touching what He named Ocean at its level, while other parts of the land towered high above it.

Right in the middle, He created a garden: the Garden of Eden, another name for Him.

His world complete, He created Life.

Large and small Animals that could only survive in Ocean swam, playful. Odd-looking things with feathers and two large arms that propelled them into the air were called Birds, and they cheerfully and teasingly dipped in and out of the water, most racing to land.

And in the Garden. . . it was a wonderland. All sorts of Animals coexisted peacefully, little Rabbits asking the large Giraffes for help to get some leaves from a tall tree. Walking with a clop, Zebras snuffed at Lions gently, playing with them. Monstrous Dinosaurs ran as Dragons flew next to them in a friendly race. It was paradise.

But something still felt off. And for a while He didn't understand what, but then He realized it was because the Animals, although each beautiful and unique in its own way, couldn't represent Him.

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