Princess of the Sun

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Awaken with a gasp, Stella panted, trying to figure out what her dream was about but failing every time. She only knew that it was something terrible.

Her mind so focused on the dream she was trying to remember that she jumped and nearly shrieked in surprise when a THUMP sounded from right outside the tiny house.

Stella tensed, her mind spiraling in despair. Dear stars, I did not run for so long only to be found literally in the middle of nowhere. It had been weeks, maybe even months since Stella escaped from the palace. She had known that the monarchy was cruel, but this? Trying to kill the last of the Shadow Dragons?

Most would have expected Stella, a Sun Dragon, to agree with their methods, but if anything, they just made her feel horrible. It wasn't right to try and destroy the last of a species just for some silly prejudice!

With silent steps Stella creeped up to the door and peeked through the tiny hole through it. And right there, outside, was one of the Imperial guards, his muddy brown wings flicking open and closed in impatience.

Stella could feel her own buds starting to tingle with the desire to be set free and fly away but she controlled it. She knew exactly what she had to do.

Stella closed her eyes and envisioned the light around her bending to her will, camouflaging how she really looked like. Instead of dark yellow hair with red and blue tips and glowing golden eyes was a young woman with deep sapphire hair and twinkling turquoise eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Stella opened the door with a charming smile and her famous English accent that she did not fake. "Why hello there, Guard. Is there something I can do for you today?"

He blinked in surprise, his chocolate eyes almost immediately looking slightly guilty and spoke reluctantly. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I had picked up a lead that a criminal had come and might have been hiding in your house. Her name is Stella Solis. She is a Sun Dragon and has deep yellow hair with red and blue tips and faintly glowing golden eyes that brighten whenever it gets dark. She is the Sun Princess and has betrayed her kind. Do you happen to know where she might be?"

Terror gripped Stella, but she forced herself to widen her eyes and let only a sliver of her fear show as she stared at the guard. "Oh, my. That's certainly very frightening. I'm sorry, but no one has passed by here in a very long time. If I may ask, why and how did Stella Solis betray her kind?"

The guard sighed and leaned against the doorway, obviously preparing for a long conversation. "You see, ever since the War, everybody thought that the Shadow Dragons were extinct." When Stella nodded in understanding he continued. "The thing is, we recently learned that one of the Shadows still lives. The Imperial guard immediately assembled on King Basileus's command, and we were going to set out to kill the last when Stella tried to stop us. She did everything in her power, even going so far as to insult the King and Prince, to try and persuade them to stop before we issued a bounty on her. She ran, and we've been tracking her for two and a half months."

"Oh, I see. I can't quite believe that a Sun Dragon would try and save a Shadow Dragon, especially Stella. Even I've heard of Stella Solis, the Princess of the Sun. I really can't believe it," Stella said, shaking her head in silent astonishment.

The guard nodded sadly. "Yes, I know, I could hardly believe it either, but Stella has betrayed the kingdom. I am sorry for having bothered you, Miss. . ."

"Sapphire. And it's no trouble at all. I don't often get visitors this far out in the woods."

The guard smiled a smile that clearly said that he was trying to flirt with her. "If you would like, I could visit more often?"

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