This is a REALLY Bad Idea

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Hiiiiiii. This particular story doesn't really have any spicy scenes, but it does suggest them. Jus' a lil' warning!

I probably shouldn't have done as I did. It would only end up in hurt.

But, first, I should maybe explain.

See, there's this guy at my high school. He's obviously the hottest one there, otherwise he wouldn't have done what he did. Black hair and eyes of the forest mashed with the ocean, he just wanted to get burned.

This guy, Nicholas Rosenbach, had a thing he tended to do. In eighth grade, he swore that he would sleep with the hardest girl to sleep with every year and break each of their hearts, but never the same person.

He made good on that promise.

For three years, the girls, whether they were freshman or sophomore or junior or senior, succumbed to his charm.

They should have known better, but I had to give credit where credit was due.

He did it subtly, slowly hanging around more, talking quietly with them, smiling only for them, making them fall for him in a way they couldn't come back from.

I pitied those girls.

He just wanted sex and to show how he could lord over us all, how anyone couldn't stop themselves from falling.

And then I came along.

I had always been in the shadows, flirting with a guy here and there, occasionally bedding them but never really forming a connection to any. Senior year, I swore off of sex just to focus on what college I would go to.

So, of course, he set his sights on me.

Fortunately, I was relatively immune to his charms. I wanted to give in, I did, but I was also stubborn as hell and wanted to keep my own promise.

That didn't work out so well.

My friends, the jackasses they are, forced me to go to some After-Homecoming party that involved a bunch of booze and drunk seniors.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to get through it without at least being tipsy, I drank. And then those glowing eyes locked with mine.

He stalked toward me like a lion hunting his prey, which I was, unfortunately. Those ocean eyes filled with heat and desire and lust that made me tremble as he stopped right in front of me, making me tilt my head up to look at him. Every part of him was dominant and almost aggressive.

My body shivered at the sudden and different attitude he had taken. It was clear that he was done with all the pretending shit and wanted to get down and dirty with me. And I was just tipsy enough to say the hell with my promise and reached up to yank him down to me in a sudden and fierce kiss.

He didn't argue or struggle. Not at all. He wrapped his arms around my smaller and slimmer body, smushing me against his chest even as he deepened the kiss. 

I could feel a rumble resonate from his chest and echo in mine as his hands smoothed over my ass, lifting me up. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him even as he moved, his strides sure and firm.

In the new position we were in, I could feel a certain part of the male anatomy nudge at me, making me break our somehow still-kissing lip lock and toss my head back, closing my eyes with a whimper as he immediately nibbled his way down my neck, nipping at my skin just hard enough to leave marks but not enough to overly hurt me.

Even in my semi-drunk form, I knew that he was marking my neck as a way to prove that he was slept with me, but I didn't give a shit. I just wanted sex.

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