Character Info

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[NAME] (Y/N) (L/N)

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[NAME] (Y/N) (L/N)

[AGE] 15-16



[QUIRK] [1 of 2] "Fog|Clouds" - Said girl has a powerful quirk, she can blow out smoke and shape it as anything she wishes, then once she is satisfied with the shape she can solidify it and she will be able to throw them at great speed, like a bullet. To top it up she can use her smoke to hide herself, and speed herself up. She can also distinguish her solidified objects.

[DRAW BACK] If she uses her quirk too much her lungs will end up being clogged with the smoke, causing her to feel light headed, it'll unclog after 1 to a half of a day or if she gets CPR perhaps 2 or 4 hours, she also will feel nausea to warn her if she's going to overuse it.

[QUIRK] [2 of 2] "feral/berserk" - the quirk can allow the girl to go wild, power will surge through her body as she is next to unbeatable, she will be able to move faster, and be stronger, her senses will be better. However it will make her very loud.

[DRAWBACK] if she is close to overusing her quirk her body will steam up, which sometimes the girl will mistake for her fog/clouds quirk, if she overused her quirk she'll faint, or throw up blood, which is worse you choose.

[COMBAT] She is skilled in hand to hand combat, and has a very good aim.

[OTHER] Her mother is a well known and very powerful heroine, she's known as Raindrops, her quirk can summon storm clouds to do her will, which she can solidify, as her dad is also well known, his quirk is to be able to move at a great speed as he can move through the air, literally he turns into air and moves himself anywhere. She was conceived through a quirk marriage but due to her luck her mother and father are happily in love, her quirk also means (f/c) fog or mist will cover parts of her clothing, it's see through so it isn't that thick.

The girl had always been criticised for her powers due to how strong she is, words weaker quirk holders would throw at her would be on the lines of,
"You're just a weapon"
"Give up being a hero."
However she always keep her head high, it is unladylike not to.

[PLUS] the girl is able to change her hair colour, height, voice and eye colour making her a great spy.

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