🌪S T O R M🌪

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"You fucking cheated whore!"

"You fucking cheated whore!"

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As my eyes drifted across the class my eyes landed on Todoroki Shoto,
"SHOTOOO!" I shouted as I ran to him engulfing him into a hug,
"How is my sunshine from the god's sky feeling?" I asked, he chuckled and patted my arm with his hand, Shoto and I only met at times but I'm more familiar with his father, so I would be like an aunt to him when I see him,
"I'm doing okay, how about you aunt?" A nickname I've got from him due to always giving him money on his birthdays, I let out a heartily laugh as I sat on the desk next to his desk,
"I'm doing just as well, now tell me, why is someone so delightful being swooped into the realm of loneliness?" She asked as she was interrupted by Aizawa telling them to sit down which (Y/n) walked back to her seat next to Bakugo, as time passed Aizawa told them that they'll have a test on their quirks, and was told to go change.


We was all on a field, as I examined a circle on the ground,
"Bakugo come here." Was all I heard then I saw him shout 'DIE' and throw a ball, it was about 209.69 meters, the class was shocked, as Katsuki was smug about it,
"Aizawa, may I take on the challenge?" I asked as I stood up, Aizawa smiled and nodded,
'He sMiLeD' I thought as I took the ball,
"No regulations inside this circle?" I asked,
"None." Aizawa answered as I nodded, I decided to blow out a some what large amount of smoke to solidify into a bazooka type weapon where I put the ball in.

I let out a laugh and said,
"You did say no regulations Aizawa." with that I launched the ball out, the board read,
[420.69] meters I was so proud of myself that I calculated it to be that number. I wiped a fake tear from my eyes as I walk back to the class to Shoto. Aizawa threatened that the person who gets the lowest will be expelled so everyone tried their best.

Katsuki approached me,
"How the fuck did you get more than me?! You fucking cheated whore!" He shouted as I rubbed him arms to try calm him,
"The use of ones powers will be strong, if one took thinking to it." I said as he blushed a little he must be confused by my riddles, I opened my arms for a hug which he stared at me for .5 seconds.

"Fuck no!" He shouts, I pouted as I waddled to him trapping him into a hug, he tried prying me off but gave up returning the hug, I smiled and squealed, I think I might have a little crush on Katsuki~.
"I greatly appreciate you Bakugo..." I say as I wiggle out of the hug seeing Katsuki stuff his hands into his pockets looking the other way,
"Whatever dick brain.." He mumbles, making me smile wiggling my eyebrows, as I walked away.


As I ate some [insert food here] I looked around to see who I was going to join, I saw a certain hothead that took my heart without knowing, I made my way to Katsuki as I put a hand on his shoulder greeting the rest of his friends, Katsuki decided not to do anything snarky.

"Katsu- Bakugo may I sit next to you or is this seat occupied?" I asked motioning to the empty space next to him, he looked at me then nodded,
"Yeah whatever just don't go fucking annoying me." Katsuki told me, I smiled and nodded as I conversed with Kirishima, 'I should probably not make a move on Katsuki yet... I'll invite him, Kirishima and Shoto' I thought.

"Kirishima, Bakugo would you like to accompany Shoto and I? I was planning to go with Shoto but I didn't want it to seem like a date." I said as I knew Shoto will always say yes.

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