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"Annoying bitch"

The (h/c) haired girl groaned and twisted in her warmth of her bed as the continuous beeping of her fluffy bedside alarm clock, she lifted up her head so her (e/c) orbs met the blue vibrant numbers, [05:01] the clock read

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The (h/c) haired girl groaned and twisted in her warmth of her bed as the continuous beeping of her fluffy bedside alarm clock, she lifted up her head so her (e/c) orbs met the blue vibrant numbers, [05:01] the clock read. As the young girl stood up she showered thinking about entering for UA, she was recommended so she didn't really have to do the exam, the school already knew what she could do due to her mother and father knowing the staff.

As the girl stepped out the shower she stared at her uniform, 'I hope I'm not too overpowered..' the girl thinks her thoughts where interrupted when she heard her mother yell,
"(Y/N) Breakfast! Get changed and come downstairs!" The sweet sounds of her mother's voice rang from downstairs, as her feet made contact with the marble floor of her room she got dressed in her uniform, (f/c) mist floating around her waist and a little around her arms.

As she puts her shoes on the mist formed near the back lightly, it made her look just... extra. The (s/c) (height) girl walked out of her large cream coloured room walking down the great halls of her house and down the spiral metal and glass stairs that leads to the kitchen, she smiles being greeted by her mother and father,
"Good morning!" She chirped as she sat on the kitchen island eating some cereal her mother had beautifully prepared.

"Are you looking forward for UA sweetheart?" The older woman asked, her white hair fading into small clouds, she really does look like a goddess,
"I'm so ecstatic, I'm so happy to go there! I heard Shoto will be there! I hope he remembered me!"She says as her father patted her back, she looked at him he looks so young and loving.

"I'm sure he will!" Her fathers voice boomed, as she stood up the clock read [07:23],
"I'll be going now." (Y/n) said with a smile as she hugged her parents, she turned and ran out the door as she ran, 'I wonder if I can actually make friends...also I should stop running this really hurts my boobs..' the girl thought making her scoff, she finally arrived at the school as she ran to class [1-A], she took a deep breath and entered, everyone's heads turned to her as she cracked a sweet smile.

As she walked to a desk next to a blonde boy, his hair was spiked, it reminded her of a hedgehog. As she was looking she didn't notice a smaller perverted boy creeping up on her, eyeing her large breasts already, before the boy could do anything she approached the said blonde hedgehog. As the boy looked up at the plumped girl he scowled,
"What do you want bitch?" He growled out, the use of words made her a little upset but she still went on,
"I just thought you could use some company." She says smiling as she finally felt the gaze of a certain grape boy looking up her skirt, she huffed as she blew out some (f/c) mist.

Bakugou was interested in the girl's quirk as he watched the mist come out her mouth as it flowed through her fingers solidifying into a small dagger as she threatened Mineta, however her eyes soften as she stood back up her dagger turning back to nothing but mist,
"What is your name?" She asked smiling as she patted his head as if he was a toddler,
"I'm Mineta.." he says smiling blushing slightly, the sight made Katsuki just that bit angry- angrier than usual.

"Well Mineta I advise you to not be a peeping tom to anyone, it's not polite." She says as she stands back up, her breasts bouncing making some boys go crazy.
"And- What is your name mister hot head." (Y/n) asked as she rested her head on Katsuki's desk making the poor boy blush a little.

"It's Bakugou Katsuki, whats yours Juul pipe." He asked, his tone snappy, 'did this boy just called me a Juul?' The girl thought as she let out an airy laugh,
"I'm (L/n) (Y/n), it's a delight to be acquainted with you Katsuki~" The girl said as she ruffled his hair making the boy angry, he grabbed her by the tie pulling the girl up to his face,
"YOU GOT A DEATH WISH JUUL?" The male shouted making the girl smirk, she knew she had to be cocky just a little,
"I apologise, what mishap did I do,Katsuki~?" The girl is just plain teasing by now.
"Annoying bitch..."

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