Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

I followed the booming voice to find myself staring at a black throne with stars, planets, and galaxies moving within it. It was the most beautiful throne I had ever seen. A 100-foot-tall man was sitting on the throne (now I know how an ant feels when standing in front of a human), right in front of me. It was he who had spoken. Beside his throne stood a mesmerizing woman, with earth-brown hair that fell down her shoulders and beautiful grass-green eyes (see above picture). She could be the most beautiful woman I'd ever met (even more so than Aphrodite) but she seemed slightly familiar like I'd seen her before.

Voice: Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, the prophesied demigod, retriever of the master bolt and the helm of darkness, bane of countless monsters, titans, and giants, retriever of the golden fleece, protector of the Ophiotaurus, bearer of the sky, savior of Artemis...

I'm sure he would have continued listing out all my accomplishments had the girl beside him not interrupted with a frustrated groan. "I think he gets the point Chaos. If you plan on telling every title he has earned, we might have to go on for centuries!!!", she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Me (surprised): Wait... My titles??? Do I have titles??? (The girl looked at me as though I was an idiot (which I was starting to feel like...))

Girl (frowning): Are you kidding me??? He wasn't even halfway done and you didn't even know you had titles??!!!

Chaos (looking excited): 

The guy named Chaos widened his eyes in excitement and clapped his hands childishly in glee "Does that me I can continue???"

Girl (glaring at him): NO!!!

Me: Umm... Excuse me... Who are you two??? Where am I??? Why am I even here??? Wasn't I supposed to be in Alaska???

Chaos: Yes... But I interrupted your transportation and bought you here. I'm Chaos, by the way (looking at me expectantly)...

Me (feeling stupid): Chaos who???

Girl (bursting out in frustration): ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!??? YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE CREATOR OF THE WORLD IS???? ARE YOU EVEN FROM EARTH???!!!

Chaos (trying to calm the girl down): That's fine, Gaea... No need to lose your cool...

Wait a minute... Did he just say Gaea??? But Gaea is dead, I saw it... Because of her... She killed Leo!!! I drew out riptide, uncapped it, and got ready to attack her. I don't care if we're in the presence of Chaos or if he can (and maybe will kill me) but I will avenge my friend!!!

Gaea (staring at me with a blank look): Go ahead... Let's see if at least you can kill me... (Noticing me gulp (giving me a beautiful and calming smile)) Don't worry, I won't fight back...

Me (angrily): You... You killed Leo!!!

Gaea (shrugging): Technically... He self-destructed carrying me along with him...

That was when I saw red and charged at her with my sword in front of me. She didn't draw out a weapon, attack me, or try to defend herself in any way but I didn't stop. My sword deflected from her and went flying into the darkness...

Gaea (looking disappointed that she'd not die): Darn it... Course it wouldn't be that easy!!!!

Me (confused (I was starting to doubt if that was the real Gaea)): Excuse me??? Are you really Gaea?? Like the Gaea who fell in love with Ouranos, gave birth to titans, helped behead her husband...

Gaea (interrupting me): Fell into a deep sleep, got together with Tartarus, gave birth to giants, attacked Olympus, lost and went into a deep sleep, woke up and attacked Olympus again, and then went kaboom (making the sound of an explosion) along with that Latino boy and got trapped within the earth only to be set free by dear old dad here (motioning to Chaos)... Yup, that Gaea...

Me (utterly confused): Okay... I'm confused... What's going on here???

Chaos: My daughter has my protection so you cannot harm her... It's not a nice thing to do considering she protected you from all those stones and sticks thrown at you...

Me (shocked): That was you???

Gaea (shrugging): Meh...

Me: But why??? Aren't you supposed to be evil???

Gaea (sighing): Let me tell you something, Percy... Can I call you Percy?? (not waiting for me to respond) Nobody is evil (making air quotations). Circumstances make a person do stuff, which they may think is right but could be wrong. Some are smart enough to differentiate good from evil, like Iapetus, you call him... Bob, was it???, or Damasen or your hell hound...

Me: What was your reason???

Gaea (looking sad): Me?? I was made to think that the gods were evil and harming my children for no reason. So, like any mother in that case, I tried to get rid of them. By the time I found out the truth, that my kids had lied to me, I had long forgotten how to stop...

I felt sorry for her. She seemed to really regret what she did and seemed, well... very sad. She looked like she had given up on life. Then I remembered what Chaos said about her protecting me. I remember all those times when they'd throw mud or rocks at me and how they'd never hit or even touch me. So it was her... She was protecting me from getting harmed by her element...

Chaos (grinning like a kid): Since all that is settled why don't we talk about why I brought you here? You see, I want Gaea to see the world, her domain, and I want you to accompany her... You will take her to every country, city, or town and can both tour around since well... Everyone thinks you both are dead...

Me (shocked): What???!!! Why???

Chaos: Would you believe that she doesn't know any place other than Alaska, and it's her domain!!! She has been so busy trying to please everyone but herself for more than millions of years so I think it's about time she's had some fun. And who better to accompany her than you??? And it wasn't an option, by the way... I will hide you from the gods and in return you take her around and both of you have some fun...

Me (looking at Gaea whose face looked blank but her eyes shone in excitement): It's not like I have anything better to do so fine... But why me???

Chaos: Because I think that you are the only one who would be willing to give Gaea a chance. She's not a bad person; she just seems to trust all the wrong people...

Gaea (indignantly): HEY!!!

Chaos: Yes, my dear darling daughter, the truth hurts... And you'll be good for her. She seems to really like you...

I had never expected that Chaos, the creator of the world, and Gaea, who tried to kill us, would actually be like this... They seem kinda cool... But then, I was wrong about my friends, family, and parents so there could be a lot I'm wrong about... And what did Chaos mean she likes me?? There's no way she has a crush on me... right??? It must be that she likes me as a person.

Me (surprised): Huh???

Gaea (blushing): Alright... Enough talking about me...

Chaos (grinning): Alright... So Percy, are you in???

Me (suddenly grinning): Sure, why not?? Even I've not seen many parts of the world so it could be fun...

Chaos (coming down and putting a hand around both of our shoulders): Great... WE ARE GOING TO TOUR THE WORLD... well you two are at least but don't worry, I'll be watching every second of it!!!! I'll be taking care of the expenses, by the way ( rubbing his palm with a mischievous look on his face...), so no need to worry about that either...

For some reason, I feel I should be worried about what he said but hey, I'm excited that I'll be able to tour the world and shocked that Gaea doesn't know most of her domain. She seems nice, maybe touring with her will be fun... This seems like a pretty good twist after everything that has happened.

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