Chapter 4

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Percy's POV


"What the hell, Percy??!! How could you!!??" Thalia shouted, lifting her hands and slapping me across the face. I remember when this happened; it was a week after Andrew appeared and was claimed. This was the first of many betrayals.

I was staring at the other hand, which held the broken bow, in shock. Did she just slap me?? Did she think I touched her bow?? How could she believe the words of that brat?? I could see tears threatening to fall as her eyes glared at me with hatred.

Me (firmly): I didn't touch your bow, Thalia!!! I don't know how or why it is broken. But it has nothing to do with me!!!

Thalia (growling): It was a gift from Lady Artemis. Why would you do this to me??? You know how precious this bow was to me... I may have forgiven you for stealing those arrows or even daring to enter our cabin but this???

Me (trying to convince her): I didn't enter the Artemis cabin, I didn't steal any arrows and I sure as hell didn't break your bow!!! I don't even know where they are kept and I'm not suicidal to enter the group of man-hater's cabin and steal bows!!!

Thalia (sparks flying): LIES!!! Just because you were jealous of my power or who my parents are doesn't mean you can do such stuff!!!

Me (getting mad): Do you even hear yourself???

And then she struck me with lightning, sending me flying. I couldn't understand why she was acting like this or attacking me. Why doesn't she believe me??? I was struck by another bolt of lightning

Thalia (striking me again): And you think I'd be okay with you spreading rumors or disrespecting Lady Artemis and the hunters!!!??? How dare you call them sluts? Who do you think you are???!!!

Me: I nev....

And she charged at me, attacking me and electrocuting me again and again while I didn't do anything to fight back. How could I??? She was my dearest friend and cousin; how could I harm her??? She'll realize she was wrong and apologize; that was what I thought for a long time. But she never did; she'd ignore me, attack me till I bled all over, tie me up, and let the hunters use me as a pincushion. Every time I'd forgive her, thinking she'd realize her mistake and apologize, I'd hold it all in. My pain, my anger, the feeling of betrayal—I'd just hold it in and wait. Until I finally understood that she wouldn't come around, until I finally realized that she meant everything she told me. She believed the rumors, not me. She was the first to betray my loyalty, the start of the domino.

Dream ends...

Me (in my sleep): Why?? Why Thalia??? Why believe him???

Voice (sounding worried): cy??? ercy??? Perry, Dammit, Wake Up!!! (screaming in an annoyed voice at the last part)

I opened my eyes with a start at the scream to see Gaea's face above (way too close for comfort) mine, her wavy, plaited hair falling down one side of her face and her worried pair of green eyes. I shot up in shock, which was a big mistake because I ended up slamming my head onto Gaea's (our lips were just centimeters apart for a few seconds, and I could feel her soft, warm breath on my lips), who withdrew her head with a sharp exclamation of pain. I felt a shooting pain where our heads crashed and was rubbing that spot while involuntarily blushing, remembering her closeness and the warmth of her breath on my lips, the thought of which just made me blush even more.

I noticed that she looked different than yesterday; she was wearing a frock decorated with flowers, reaching her knees, and her hair was tied in a loose plait with a flowery band around her hair. She looked breathtaking.

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