chapter nine

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The  story can wait, go pray or read❤❤

     I'm at home in my room with abdullah,well our room when i recive a suprising call from sekinah...we havent talked much since the wedding, the phone rings a couple of times before i actually pick it up....there's akward silence and i notice something's wrong when i start hearing her choke on  quit sobs... i finally speak up...."hmmm, seki are you okay...." she dosent answer but  the sobbing stops, i seize the oppurtunity and speak up again but there's still no reply, abdullah notices my tension from the  other side of the room he was in with his laptop on his laps, he gets up from where he's sitting, gently drops the laptop on the table and walks towards towards me whispers a "whats wrong" under his breathe and smothly rubs warm circles round my lap, i nod and give him a reassuing nod and go back to my conversation......."i just told tohir i love him..." i'm confused  for a second and laugh as much as i can"if this another prank stop it..." i continue   laughing and quietly choking on my own laughter until it finally hit me ir was'nt a prank she wasnt laughing too, i calm down and think for minute...."who is tohir..????" I ask suspiciously..she speaks up after what seemed like eternity.."he's the fair guy-"..."ohh mujib"i cut her off......."eww no the guy that i was always teased about in middle school.... thats actually cute...the only cute fair guy in our class..." oh thats when i remember "oooh,U TOLD HIM THAT YOU LOVE HIM..." i said raising my voice.......

        The day before
              Im at a cafe near my work place taking  a cup of coffe and scrolling down my phone looking for nothing in particular when i look up i see something i cant register into my head properly .,......its hanefah holding hand with a guy that looks horibly familar,oh no its cant possibly be true , that cant be hanefah out there holding hands with a guy that is not me,my brain is probably playing tricks with me...but I won't back out on her I have to investigate,I love her and she loves me too......she can never do this.....or

LOVE FOR MUSLIMAHS Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon