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Traveling through the Chihuahuan Desert was not as easy as it looked. The heat was sweltering, and there was little to no water available in the desert. Texas was home to many dangerous animals as well, such as poisonous snakes and insects. Carly and her friends were lucky enough not to see any of these dangerous animals, but Carly herself suddenly didn't feel too well.

"Are we there yet?" Carly said, frustrated. Jeffy looked at the map from the newspaper. "We're not too far off. We should be there in about five to ten minutes," he explained. "Carly, you don't look very well. You seem thirsty," Isabelle said, worried as she stared at Carly. "You might want to see a doctor," Toad added. Carly couldn't believe her ears. She scoffed and yelled, "PAH! You honestly think we're going to find a doctor in this state who isn't a felon? Gimme a break. Texas has had so many medical malpractice suits in the last couple years, it's not even funny. I highly doubt we're actually gonna find someone who is NOT a felon."

Carly and her friends seemed to be reaching the construction site. In the distance they could see several large construction vehicles and heard construction noises everywhere. The plaza looked like it would be completed soon, as the signage was already placed on several storefronts including PetSmart, Target, GameStop, and Costco. The exterior of most of the buildings was nearly complete as well. All that was left was to install the signage on Toys R Us and everything would be complete.

"Wow, this is quite an impressive site!" Isabelle exclaimed. Carly was also impressed, but something seemed off. There was something that smelled suspicious. "What is that weird smell?" Isabelle, Toad, and Jeffy sniffed. They also detected the unusual odor. "It smells like alcohol," suggested Isabelle. "Alcohol?! Why are there so many construction workers drinking on the job? Do they think it's funny? Or maybe they'll get their work done faster?" Jeffy scoffed. Toad laughed and said, "No, silly! Izzy means alcohol like a chemical or something. It sort of smells like disinfectant. Perhaps we're close to a felon house." "A felon house? Oh, well you know what this means! Let's go do a felon check!" Carly squealed and she and her friends followed the smell.

The suspicious smell indeed lead to what looked like a felon house, or so Carly and her friends surmised. They looked above to observe the signage which said "Family Medicine of El Paso." Carly was not impressed. "Wow. Some name for a felon house. It's like they actually want to attract several malpractice victims and kill them on site." Her friends pondered the name for a while. "But Carly, haven't you always said that looks may be deceiving? Maybe the name looks suspicious, but there might not be any felons working here at all," explained Isabelle. "If you do a quick investigation, then you may be certain about this," added Toad. "Yeah, you look sick, so maybe we should give this person a try!" Jeffy smiled. Carly thought about what her friends said. "I guess we can do that. But if there's felons, then I'm filing a lawsuit!"

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