Dr. Isaac Newton

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The four friends reluctantly walked into the clinic. To their surprise, it actually looked warm and inviting. "Well, I don't really see anything that makes the place look like a felon house for sure just yet," Isabelle smiled. "Yes, but we don't know what the actual doctor or doctors working here are like," explained Toad.

Soon the doctor stepped out. He didn't look much like the average doctor; no, this doctor was actually a lion and wore a vest with shapes on it rather than a white coat. He looked oddly familiar to Carly. "Who are you?" Jeffy asked. "Wait a second, you look VERY familiar," Carly said, smirking. The doctor smiled and said, "Good afternoon. I'm Dr. Isaac Newton. I've decided to expand my services to Texas in an effort to reduce the number of medical errors people experience." Despite his name, he had no relation to the physicist of the same name. He turned to Carly and said, "Hi Carly! It's been a long time since I have seen you." Carly herself was impressed. "Whoa, Dr. Isaac, you actually work here! This is amazing! My friends and I happened to be in the area and we found your clinic in a newspaper!" "And Carly happens to be sick as well," Jeffy smirked. "Yes, we were walking through the desert and she seemed thirsty and a bit exhausted," added Toad. "Well, let me see if there's anything I can do to help. This way, please," Dr. Isaac replied and he lead Carly and her friends to an exam room.

Carly herself was slightly reluctant to get checked out by Dr. Isaac but at the same time she was relieved that the doctor himself was not a felon. "So what seems to be the problem?" Dr. Isaac asked Carly. "Well, my friends and I were walking through the Chihuahuan Desert and then Izzy told me that I looked sick. Toad also said that I looked thirsty," explained Carly. Dr. Isaac examined her. He listened to her heart and lungs, looked in her ears and eyes, looked down her throat, took her temperature, and felt her stomach. "Your throat looks a bit dry. Is there anything else bothering you?" "Yes, I actually do have a bit of a headache."

Dr. Isaac figured out what was wrong with Carly. "I've got it all figured out. You are dehydrated. It's very important to drink plenty of water, especially when it's hot outside," he explained. He then prepared a canteen full of purified water. Carly took a sip of water and within a few seconds, she was relieved. "Wow Dr. Isaac, this really did help me! Thank you so much!" Her friends were glad to see Carly feeling better and were also relieved that no acts of medical malpractice occurred. "Now that Carly is all better, I wanna have a look at how Toys R Us is coming up," Isabelle suggested. The four friends navigated their way out of the clinic and through the construction site.

Despite not experiencing medical malpractice, Carly still felt very awkward after being examined by Dr. Isaac. It had been a long time since she had been touched by a physician (not inappropriately, of course). "Wow. That honestly felt so weird. I know Dr. Isaac was trying to help and all, but I honestly felt like a dog at the vet. No, he did not commit medical malpractice, but I just...feel...AWKWARD! I wonder how many people have to go through this." Isabelle shrugged and said, "Oh, for heaven's sake, Carly Pressman! You were frustrated because you felt sick, and now you're going around yapping on and on about your doctor helping you. That doesn't make any sense." "Whoa, slow down, Izzy! Carly has sensory issues, remember? She's not used to situations like this sometimes," Toad responded.

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