Chapter 1

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4 Years Ago

3rd persons POV

The sun was setting as two twelve year old boys ran through the grounds of Hayley's circus, well to be more precise Jerome and Jeremiah, The redhead Valeska twins. "Jerome stop give it back!" Jeremiah was chasing after Jerome because he stole his journal/maze drawling book.

Jerome ran into their trailer, well there moms trailer, and locked himself in the bathroom. He opened the book to the first entry of the journal and it read:

Hi, I'm Jeremiah. I know I'm not really taking to a real person but it helps to pretend I am, or at least writing to someone. I don't even know where to start... I have a twin brother Jerome and my moms name is Lila, but I don't really like my mom that much. I don't hate her, I just don't like her. The other day she hit Jerome with a baseball bat and it knocked him out, she said he diserved it but he didn't even do anything. I love Jerome he's my twin brother so of course I do. He always calls me his little brother and it annoys me so much he just makes a big del about being 13 minites older that me. Don't tell him but I do look up to him as an older brother. But latly he doesn't really seem like he wants to be around me. He's always busy and I mean ALWAYS we never really talk anymor which really hurts because he was the only one I could really talk to, about anything.

Well that's all for now!

As Jerome was reading this he saw tear stains on the page. He never knew it hurt his brother this much when we stayed away for so long. He continued to flip through the book but  there was no more writing just drawings of mazes. He closed the book, unlocked the bathroom door and slowly opened it.

"You didn't read it did you?" Jeremiah was terrified, he only wrote one entry but who knows what Jerome would think of it. "Yeah I did little bro." He ruffled him hair and pulled him into a hug.

Jeremiah pulled back "Y-you know I wrote that when I was like 7 right? And I know that book made me sound like a little attention seeking brat but I'm no..." Jeremiah was just trying to clarify things but Jerome interrupted him.

"I know, I know. But were you really 7 when you wrote this or and you just covering up for the spelling mistakes?" Jerome said with a big grin on his face. Jeremiah rolled his eyes and said. "Yes I really was seven, maybe eight." Jerome laughed

And then Jeremiah laughed, they laughed together. For a long time they just stood there and laughed, hugged and maybe one or both of them cried a little. They were close as brothers.

And that's the way it should have always been.


Lila's POV

We were all getting ready for the show tonight, I doubt many people will show up. We've gone on tour about seven times to this place and the number of people that would show up was decreasing. I had a pounding headache that no medicine could help. Fucking hangovers.

I usually deal with hangovers by drinking more and getting myself drunk so I don't give a damn anymore but not tonight. They were going to test me to see if I had drank any alcohol in the past twelve hours before I was aloud to preform. Fucking ridicules.

But if I wanted money, I would have to be sober, and to buy more alcohol I had to have money. And I was getting low on cash anyway. I think that asshole son of mine might be stealing it or I might just have accidentally bought the wrong booze. It was probably my fault but it gives me a chance to beat him sooo, it was his fault. Fucking Jerome.

I reached over for a beer thinking for a moment, the last time a did a performance drunk it wasn't that big of a deal, I only let all the animals out and they attacked people. So what some of those people probably deserved it. Oh well. Fuck the show.


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