Chapter 4

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Jeremiah's POV
I woke up and the sun was already up, well that's a first. I was always up Ridiculously early no matter what time I went to bed. I looked up at Jerome who's bare chest I was laying on, that funny because I don't remember him taking off his shirt last night and I'm pretty sure I would have woken up if he did while I was asleep.

I slowly got up making sure not to wake Jerome up. I made a cup of coffee because, coffee addiction, I thought about making Jerome a cup but he never really drank coffee unless he wanted to stay up all night which wasn't very often.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist and I screamed so fucking loud. I turned very quickly and before I had registered who it was my fist made contact with a nose. "Fuck Miah!" Jerome's hands went up to his bleeding, not broken thank god, nose.

I put my hands over my mouth and apologized, a lot. After his nose stopped bleeding he said he forgave me but that didn't stop me from repeatedly apologizing. He wrapped his arms around me again but slower this time, like he was afraid of getting hit.

"Jerome you should clean your face off."
"Yeah and you should shave, unless your growing it out." He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. I had always hated shaving but it was something I had too do if I didn't want a beard. Which I didn't. He walked over to the bathroom to clean up all the blood off his face and I finished my coffee.

Then I slowly walked over to the bathroom where Jerome was. As soon as he say me he said "You got me good, remind me to never get on your bad side!"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you." I said looking down at the floor.
"It's fine." I told jerome to move and I opened the mirror (I honestly don't know how to explain this any better) and took out the razor and shaving cream. I sighed as I shut the mirror.

"Ya know if it bothers you so much to do it, just don't do it."
"Wow Jerome You should put that on a canvas and the hang it on the wall."
"Stop being sarcastic I'm serious!"

A few months ago jerome did actually let his facial hair grow out some, not a lot at all but just enough to tell. It had looked really good on him, really really good and we're identical twins so it should look the same on me right? But no, I tried it and with that plus the fact that a always had bags under my eyes, it just made me look like a fucking train wreck. And it was even worse cause I always combed me hair over so it looked like I was trying to look good but I was failing.

After putting the shaving cream on I slowly and carefully started to shave, I could feel jerome watching me. I had nicked myself like five times and I wasn't even halfway done. And don't you fucking dare blame me for this I was never properly taught how to shave.

"Ya look like ya need help." I sighed "Do you want me to help you Jerebear?" I looked over at his expecting him to be smirking but he wasn't, not even a slight smile. For the first time in his life he was being serious. I didn't make eye contact with him but still nodded and quietly said yes.

"Ok first of all your not supposed to hold it like a pencil." He took the razor slowly started to shave me face. When I told him he could help me I didn't exactly mean for him to do it for me.

"Sit on the counter"
"Cause it will be easier for me."

I sat on the counter and took off my glasses. Jerome stood in between my legs and continued shaving my face. He told me how to properly shave and I now understood that I was being a complete idiot. He stepped closer and used his index finger to lift my chin up and I have to admit that I may have blushed a little when he did that.

I have always cared for Jerome deeply but he was my brother, sometimes I had to remind myself that we were brothers. Like last night, I almost kissed him when he wouldn't shut up when I was reading but I had to remind myself that we were brothers and brother shouldn't do that.

He finished shaving my face and I hopped of the counter and thanked him. "Yeah no problem, but I have bad news."
"What is it."
"It's elephant day!"


After a long six hours of scooping elephant shit I was ready for bed. But I also wasn't that tired, physically I was dead but I wasn't that tired. Jerome flopped down on his bed and fell asleep right away.

I wish I could do that. I sat for a  bit and then decided I should get ready for bed. I locked that trailer and made sure all the windows were closed. I didn't even change I just got into bed and went to sleep.

Ok I was going to update this three days ago but the wifi at my house wasn't working so here you guys go!

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