Chapter 6

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Does that picture look like Bruce is fucking Jeremiah to anyone else, be cause it sure does to me. Just look at there faces!

Jeremiah's POV
Last week Jerome told me he was gay, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I guess I'm kinda questioning my sexuality at the moment. Anyway we both meet someone a few days ago, his name was Bruce and Jerome hasn't stopped talking about how hot he is.

I mean he is kinda cute but Jerome talks about his like he's a fucking super model. We all made arrangements to meet up and a park today, apparently it's one of the very few parks still safe to go to. Me and Jerome we're currently getting ready.

Jerome suddenly rushed in the room. "Jerebear, how should I comb my hair!" He was also completely naked. "Jerome for fucks sake put some clothes on!" I shouted shielding my eyes "Or at least underwear."
"Oh calm down we're twins, so we are the exact same." I uncovered my eyes and looked him in the eyes.
"We might not be completely identical."
"We are."

I looked him dead in the eyes. "How. The. Fuck. Would. You. Know. For. Sure." He didn't answer "Jerome, I swear to fuck you better answer me!"
"I may or may to have checked when you were in the shower a few weeks ago." I must have looked very pissed because he looked about ready to run away.

"I'm sorry" he said very quietly, not looking at me. I sighed "it's fine, just never do it again."
"I didn't mean to look at you I was just going to clean your glasses for you."
"It's ok just please don't do it again."
"I won't, I'm sorry."

"But really how should I comb my hair? I need help." I laughed and told him he was going to have to get dressed before I help him with anything. He got dressed in like point two seconds and ran back in with a comb. "Please help me."

"You know this isn't a date or anything, we're just hanging out."
"I know I just want to make a good impression."
"Well that ship has sailed" I quietly commented
"What was that?"

We just looked at each other for an awkward couple of seconds. He walked over and put the comb in my hand. I looked down at my hand where his fingers touched the palm of my hand slightly and then looked back up. "Please, help me."

"Y-yeah, right."
"Why are you stuttering?"

I didn't answer but took the comb and pushed on his shoulder for him to sit. "Can you sit on the floor it will be a lot easier for me to do your hair is I can actually reach it." He sat down on the floor in between my legs.

I couldn't think of what to do with his hair so I combed it over like I do, but it didn't look that good on him so I ran my hand through his hair to make it a little messy. His hair always looked kinda hot so I don't know why he wants me to help him. I got lost in the moment and just played with his hair, it was so soft.

"Why do you get nervous around me?" Shit, shit, shit. "I-I don't know what y-your talking about Jerome."
"It's pretty recent." Yeah it was pretty recent but it's not like I can just say,'I'm bisexual and have feelings for my brother'

Did I seriously just say that out loud, I froze, I just did the worst fucking thing I could have. Jerome looked at me with surprise in his eyes.
"Jerome I'm sorry" I sobbed, I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the room, out of the trailer and into the woods by the circus grounds. All while crying my eyes out.

Jerome's POV
I can't believe Miah just said that, I'm not mad or anything, I just don't know how I should react. I have feeling for him to but I'm pretty sure they're not the feelings he was talking about. I love him like a brother, or a best friend.

I grabbed my phone and called Bruce sighing.
"Hi Bruce, this is Jerome. If it's ok me and Jeremiah won't be able to get there."
"That's ok, do you want to to come pick you up if the transportation is the issue?"
"No Bruce it's not the transportation, Jerebear just isn't feeling to well."
"Oh ok I hope he gets better."
"Thanks, goodbye Bruce."

I think he was about to say something but I hung up anyway. I felt like I would tell to much if I kept talking and I'm sure Jeremiah doesn't want him to know. I put on my coat and grabbed my brothers and went to go find him.

Jeremiah's POV
I cried harder then I ever have in my life, Jerome will hate me for my feeling. I know this because I already hate myself for them. "WHY!" I screamed into the thick forest. After a while I tried to find my way back but I couldn't.

Maybe it would be better if I never found my way back, maybe it would be Better if I died in the woods and never saw Jerome again. The thought nearly killed me, that I may never see him again. But it would be better that way. I shouldn't have feelings like this for my brother, my fucking TWIN brother!

What the fuck is wrong with me, I'm in love with my brother. I let out a choked sob.

It was getting dark, and I still couldn't find my way back. I've probably just gotten myself more lost. I sniffed and coughed. Maybe it was meant to be like this, maybe I would die in these woods and it would be better. I'm not thinking about Jerome.

I stepped over a branch and stumbled over a fallen, half rotten tree. It got significantly dark over the past two minutes. I'm not thinking about Jerome.

I hear a voice in the woods, saying "Yeah, your not going to fit in there so I guess I'll just have to make you fit." It was a raspy voice yet it was soothing. I can't not think of Jerome.

I walked to the voice and there was a man in a green suit cover with blood. He looked at me, and slowly walked over to me. One hand outstretched to me showing that he wasn't going to hurt me. Yet with the other hand he was hiding a knife behind his back.

I was scared, very scared. Ever though I knew it would be better if I died death still scared me. "Are you ok?"

"Are you ok you look awful." I guess I would stumbling around the woods for hours. "Do you want me to help you?"  He asked "Well it depends. If help means stabbing me with that knife in your hand or do you actually want to help me?"
"Your smart, but I really don't want to hurt you."

He smiled and I let my guard down and smiled too. "How old are you?"
"Are you lost?"
"Why were I you in the woods anyway?"
"It's a long story" I said tearing up. I slowly sat down on a fallen but not rotten tree. And I cried again.

He looked shocked and he probably didn't know what to do.

Jerome's POV
"I know I should only report a missing person after 24 hours but I know something's wrong!" And they hung up, the cops in this town are shit. I sat down on Jeremiah's bed. "Where are you?"

Holy shit this was a long chapter, compared to my others

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